Poor Paul Drake. I thought he had men working for him, but Perry insists he handle all the investigations himself -- even if it means giving up a vacation -- or, in this case, ignoring a subpoena requiring him to be in court! submitted by scarter 8/23/14
Great line: When Peter Nichols entered the lab with Perry, his boss said: "What are you doing with a lawyer? You're not that late." Submitted by H. Mason 11/2/14
Max pulls Karen Lewis’s file from a file drawer labeled “A - B”, and it’s the upper right drawer in a bank of file cabinets. Businesses in PM sure do have eccentric filing systems. DOD 10/01/20
I'm guessing that he figured that he would need to be able to get to the file quickly and easily when he confronted Karen about it. So he put it up at the front of the first filing cabinet. Submitted by Paul's Operative. 12/3/2024.
The Human Bunsen Burners The mating of Max and Myra's lips was one of the more impassioned scenes we've seen in the's lucky they didn't start a lab fire !!
Submitted by Notcom, 111315
Communication Via Cosmetics: This is the second episode where crucial communication is conveyed by a lipstick -- hidden underneath the desk (or table), no less -- the first being TCOT Moth-Eaten Mink, I believe. JohnK, 15 October 2021
Steamin'Up The Screen: Paul's looking good in the steam room, bare chested, broad shouldered, and sweaty. Hot stuff! jfh 05Sep2018.
<<<<<<< TCOT Repeat Offender. Some people just never learn. Case in point, Dabbs Greer. He was the killer in TCOT Prudent Prosecutor. In this episode his itchy trigger finger takes out Silas Vance. What other actors have been the murderer in more that one episode? Submitted by MasonJar 6/18/2012+
I've always thought this was one of the better confessions. Greer was excellent, as was William Hopper, just listening. A fine job all around. Submitted by a Rickapolis 8/17/16
+ Robert H. Harris was the murderer in two episodes ... and was the defendant in a third! submitted by scarter 8/23/14
+ More info on this topic can be found on the StatisticsPage ! Submitted by HamBurger Aug. 29, 2014
+Robert H. Harris was the murderer--legally speaking--in three (not just two) episodes, and committed additional non-prosecutable histrionic offenses in several others. Submitted by BobH, 18 August 2016.
OK, can anyone explain how Knudsen got knocked out with a wound behind his head if he is the murderer ? Submitted by HamBurger Aug. 29, 2014
+ Desperation. Knudsen, the security person, had committed the murder. He couldn't leave so he had to somehow incapacitate himself. He had a self-inflicted wound and faked being unconscious to allay suspicion. In reality people have been known to shoot themselves in similar situations. Submitted by H. Mason 11/2/14
How did Perry know about meetings between Max Pompey and Gabriel Rawson? We never saw him talk to either man and never saw Pompey on the witness stand before Paul served the subpoena. Submitted by H. Mason 11/2/14
Can anyone explain: when Max Pompey confronts Karen Lewis with her bank passbook showing deposits of $1500 and $2500, she looks through the book and exclaims, "This IS ny bank book," and then hands it back to him. Why would she give it back to him? jfh 17Jul2024
> As in: why doesn't she followup with an angry inquiry "...and what are you doing with it?" I think the rationale, as is so often the case on the show, is that somone who's shocked by something simply responds instinctively (he handed it to her, so she hands it back). On a more practical level, as my Dad used to tell me "it's in the script". Notcom 071824.
Help Wanted: Several openings at Caresse Cosmetics Products, Inc. One employee murdered, one guilty of murder and two others involved in illegal activities. Submitted by H. Mason 11/2/14