
Nautical Note…from 1956 to 1960 Roy Roberts portrayed Captain Huxley on The Gale Storm Show, a.k.a. Oh, Susanna. Another cast member of the that show, Zazu Pitts appeared in episode #146, “TCOT Absent Artist.” Submitted by Masonite, June 28, 2011.

I believe the first few seconds of film showing a storm ravaged island were taken from the 1937 film “Hurricane “. Even over 80 years later, that storm sequence is still stunning. DOD 11/24/21

Word of the Day: When introducing David Gideon, Perry characterizes him as "impetuous if not always imprescriptible." That latter word means "not subject to prescription," for those viewers who are not so sesquipedalian. Submitted by francis, 4/25/12.

The 1960 Buick-Flxible Premier Ambulance was built by the Flxible Co. on a stripped 1960 Buick Electra chassis, model 4730. "Premier" was the Flxible model name for its longer-wheelbase cars. See this and other Flxible cars here. Comprehensive article on Flxible Co here. Here are three photos of the other surviving '60 Buick-Flxible Premier Amb mentioned in his forum posting by 60buick. He also mentioned here that, as well as Mad, Mad, World, his own car appeared in Twilight Zone "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet", The Fugitive and "An episode of Perry Mason". I conclude that his car is one-and-the-same as the ambulance appearing in this episode #127. Added by Gary Woloski, 1/18/13.

I'm convinced that the hearse is a converted 1957-1960 International Travelall. Yet I'm unable to find any conventional reference book or internet record that such a vehicle existed. It appears that very few were made and that there are no known survivors. The most likely candidate for a company that may have produced the hearse in this episode is Springfield Equipment Company or its original parent The Champion Company, manufacturers of funeral care products and shipping containers (very much like car bodies or coffins!). Springfield Equipment Co is known to have converted International Travelalls to ambulances, fire/rescue, airport limos and school buses (scoll down), some with raised roofs and extended wheelbases. Their trucks were marketed through International Harvester (IH) dealers; see 1966 ad here. This is just my best guess. Maybe this vehicle or another like it appears elsewhere in TV or the movies, or maybe there is mention of it in Los Angeles-area archival material. Perhaps someone will find something with a CHAMPION logo on it in the desert East of LA. Added by Gary Woloski, 1/19/13.

I recommend this short, interesting article "Movie and Television Ambulances" by Louis C. Farah from the March 2010 Professional Car Collector magazine. Added by Gary Woloski, 1/19/13.

Two vehicles?: Was there one ambulance or two? When the body was put in the vehicle the name on the door was "Snyder". As the vehicle was driving away the sign on the door said "Ambulance". Submitted by H. Mason 11/12/14
+ There was only one ambulance. When this same car appears in ep#131, the "AMBULANCE" lettering is seen to be on a card taped over the "Snyder" lettering. Snyder Ambulance Service, Van Nuys Cal, was a real company. Apparently the inaugural occultation was done in the middle of this ep#127 shoot. GSW 11/12/14.

Into the mouths of babes this is the second time in three episodes that the question is raised as to whether/not David is "old enough"(to be in a bar); and how does he answer the challenge ??? As indicated above, he orders a glass of milk (he does forgo the straw, however). Noted by Notcom, 010317.
+ I think in this case the milk was a deliberate gesture to attract Wenzel's attention and to get Wenzel to underestimate him. OLEF641 3/24/21

Perry says “There’s a big difference between being innocent and being able to prove it.” I can’t believe a U.S. attorney would make a statement like that. In the U.S. the prosecutor has to prove guilt. The accused doesn’t have to prove innocence! Kilo 9/11/2023. Updated by Kilo 2/23/2025.

Spoiler Warning! Do Not Read Below If You Have Not Seen The Episode

When Perry begins his final browbeating of Janeel (Roy Roberts) into confession, he takes a sheet of paper from a file, turns it over to a blank side and pretends to read the chain of events leading to the murder. Can anyone figure why it would be more effective to recite this rather than simply stare him down and state the obvious inferences with the usual Perry glare and tone of voice? Submitted by FredK 5 October 2010.
+ Sure. Perry wanted Janeel to think he was reading a detective's report or some other document suggesting there was a witness to events, thus reducing in Janeel's mind his "plausible deniability." Without any real evidence against Janeel, a bluff is all Perry had. (Of course, it always works.) Submitted by francis, 10/01/14.
++ A friend of mine is an attorney and Mason fan. He told me that once his opponent in the courtroom used this blank page trick, and that the judge became aware of it and dressed the attorney down for such a cheesy move. JohnK 3 January 2017