
Here is another example of the bizarre and terrible treatment of women throughout this series—which is of course a reflection of its time. In the restaurant, Ann Gilrain has made it clear that she doesn’t want to return to her husband, Tom. When the owner breaks up the fight between Gilrain and Hatch, he tells Gilrain to take his wife home. When Hatch tries to stop them, the owner says, “A man's got a right to take his wife home. A cop would tell you the same thing.” What about her right to decide when and where she will be? Getting married means a woman gives up all her rights as an adult? Submitted by gracep 11/28/2010.
+ In the early 60s it did. Women were considered to be the property of their husbands. In general, they had no rights of their own. So this show is just portraying things EXACTLY as they were back then. In reality, even though things are much better now, things haven't really changed all that much; but just enough to look like they have.
++ Here's a perfect example of how things were. My parents divorced in '64. She had a charge account at a local department store. They informed her that, in order to keep her charge account she needed a letter from my father giving her permission to have an account.
She went and spoke directly to the owner and reminded him that she had always had an account there and her ex-husband wasn't even on it, nor was he even one of their customers, so if they were going to cancel her account because of the divorce, she would never set foot in there again, and neither would any of her friends.
The manager looked through the records & confirmed that she had never needed permission before, AND had spent quite a bit of money there, and let her keep the account.
Be thankful you live in 2010, not 50 years earlier. Submitted by Arisia, 03/20/18.
+++ The woman as property is prevalent in Perry Mason and other shows, and is still evident today in the "engagement ring," designed to show that the woman has been purchased. Ironically, women brag of their rings! cgraul 7.26.12

Sue Ane Langdon. Dimples and more. Absolutely delicious .. Submitted by MikeReese 12/24/2015.
+ See above discussion of "Women As Property". jfh 15Oct2018.

Men's fashions: I particularly like the light colored ties worn with light colored (presumably, white) dress shirts worn by both Perry and Hamilton in the courtroom scenes in this episode. jfh 20Fen2019

I must admit that, when I first watched this episode years ago, the clue about the pretty, dark-haired lady who tried to get access to the safe deposit box had me thinking in the right direction, although with a slightly different outcome than I'd expected, as Sue Ane Langdon is quite evidently wearing a wig for the entire episode. I expected Mason's examination of Rowena to be more like, "Isn't it true that you're wearing a wig? Did you not go to the bank WITHOUT that wig on?" I guess Mason figured that he'd spare Rowena some embarrassment by using a different but related question to worm the truth out of her -- quite unlike the toupee-yanking that figured in Episode #96 (TCOT Treacherous Toupee) and Episode #130 (TCOT Pathetic Patient). TriviaSleuth, 8/10/19

That drive-in has an interesting parking arrangement: two at a time, nose to tail. The first car in had to wait for the fellow behind him to leave so he could get out. BTW, when Paul and Ann pull in there are no cars to his right. But as soon as they start talking there are two cars to their right parked nose to tail. Kilo 12/31/2019.