
The episode opens with an establishing shot of a long, busy boulevard at night. We see a sign at the right that says Mayflower. That's the old Mayflower Hotel at 535 S. Grand Avenue in Los Angeles. For a modern view, see here. In the episode, we're looking roughly south on the street in the direction of W. 6th Street. Today the hotel is called "Checkers," and it's in a canyon of large, ugly buildings. LA was a lot nicer in Perry's day. billp 1/12/09.

In the final scene, why didn't Perry and company ask for Mae to be their waitress? Submitted by H. Mason 9/30/14.
A rare and refreshingly cigarette free episode. DOD 07/18/23

Why do Perry and Paul have the same odd-looking headboard on their beds? Submitted by scarter, 1/20/15
+ While both headboards are tufted fabric, Perry's appears to be velvet and more fully stuffed, and Paul's headboard is more of a polished cotton fabric with more tufts and less stuffing. jfh 010ct2019

There were some interesting Money amounts for 1957: a $1,000 Retainer & a $100 Bail Bond. Amendment 8: "Excessive BAIL shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted [taken word for word from the 1689 English Bill of Rights]." Mike Bedard 4.7.15

Seems whenever we have a "guest" police officer, he turns out to be a bad guy. Making those phone calls from the restaurant, Perry dials six numbers to reach Tragg but seven to reach Paul. I’m not certain, but I think that establishing shot of the hospital was used in “Citizen Kane”. DOD 06/02/20

"The Case of the (Almost) Wordless Waitress." Co-defendant Dixie Dayton speaks only two lines of dialogue--a grand total of five words--in the entire episode, all in the very first scene: "Excuse me" and "Oh thanks, Morey." Submitted by BobH, 11 December 2019.

When Paul is in Perry’s office telling him a waitress, Mae Nolan, let it slip to Tragg that Della left the restaurant wearing the mink, Perry gets on the intercom to tell Della to send Mae in. As Perry’s talking, Paul seems to say something as an aside. I cannot make out what he says. Any idea? Lili-beth 03.01.2020
> Based on a transcript it looks like "Girl"...he says. Notcom, 030220.

Pinky rings: Perry and Paul. jfh 24Jan2024

Spoiler Warning! Do Not Read Below If You Have Not Seen The Episode
MAJOR SPOILER: the murderer is (Douglas Kennedy as) Sgt. Jaffrey. jfh 10Jun2024