Say…what happened to Stafford Repp’s Irish brogue, heard when he played Chief O’Hara in the 1960s Batman? Could it have been affected just for the series?!? Submitted by gracep, 12/15/2010.
The motel manager says he has no vacancies, but there are no cars at any given of the cabins. DOD 01/15/24
Perry tells Axel that he can't meet with him the next morning as he is all booked up with appointments. But after Axel bullies his way into a 9:00 meeting, it ends up that Perry has a pretty casual morning. Instead of simply being in his office for the meeting, Perry and Della drive out to meet with Axel. Once the meeting is a bust, instead of rushing back to the office for the rest of his meetings, Perry and Della stop for a bite to eat, where they meet the other lawyer. Then it's back to meet with Axel again. That's a whole lot of missed appointments! Or maybe Perry just told Axel that he was all booked up because he didn't want to meet with him. If so, I can't blame him! Submitted by Paul's Operative. 1/15/2024.
One of my favorite quotes from the series is when Axel tells Perry, “Don’t make your lawyer talk with me!” Submitted by Masonite, 7/18/2011.
Personally offended by Hadley's slander of Somers as "the Slide Trombone of the furniture business". from a family of bone-ests ?sic? Asta69 1-28-25
You're from where? You would think Karl Swenson, a Swede, could come up with a good Danish accent, but his effort in this episode is another example of awful foreign accents common to this series. Leaving aside for a moment his pronunciation of Copenhagen ("Copen-hay-gen," when any Dane would say "Copen-Hog-en"), Swenson's accent caroms from Denmark to Transylvania. Submitted by francis, 5/07/12.
>There seems to be some dispute. Perhaps the lovely Ms. Massen, an actual native of said city offered input (or maybe she covered her ears in protest). Notcom (soft "o"s all around) 032820.
I find Axel Norstaad to be one of Perry's least-likeable clients. Indeed, his behavior makes this episode almost unwatchable for me. Submitted by 65tosspowertrap, 10/17/2013.
As is often the case on PM, a plausible business situation is presented in such a way that it ends up making little sense. Sadly, the idea of milking a brand for quick-profits by substituting inferior quality is all too real; so Paul's statement that Somers planned to dupe wholesalers before they became the wiser makes (some) sense. What makes little sense is that the plot has him offering his product at rock-bottom prices, tipping off (at least one of) the wholesalers that something is wrong, and giving away the whole plan. Presumably this was done to expedite the action and get Axel involved, but it undermines the basic premise. Submitted by Notcom, 011116.
Funny how the court allows witnesses to testify from the gallery. In this episode it happens TWICE without objection from the attorneys or the judge. Submitted by WJones 7/8/16
The real crime is that dreadful wig and equally dreadful series of hats inflicted on the glorious Marie Windsor. Whoever was responsible deserves a one way ticket to the gas chamber! J. Maigret - a tribute, perhaps, to Simenon's Jules Maigret? DODay 10/17/17
And the real mystery is not who killed Somers, but rather why Edie would fall for Axel! Ed Zoerner, 8/27/23
TCOT Missing Epis - cont. : or YAME. Yet another missing epi from Paramount(+) archive. Ironically available at Peecock, is a Copyright (trademark) the culprit again ? Asta 69 1-28-25.

For the second Consecutive story the first name of the killer wasn't mentioned. Anybody else annoyed by this? Submitted by H. Mason 11/19/14
In an interesting twist, Marie Windsor plays a bad girl gone good!
As a Hogan's Heroes fan, I chuckled at the last scene for its general similarity to the ending of Karl Swenson's only appearance on that series, in the episode, "How to Win Friends and Influence Nazis". In that episode, Karl Swenson plays -- believe it or not -- Dr. Karl Svenson, a Swedish scientist recruited by the Nazis who defects to the Allies after Col. Hogan sets him up with the woman whom Svenson declares to be love of his life (after having been married four times) -- at the end, the couple hurriedly run off to wed. TriviaSleuth 8/12/19