
Usually in Perry episodes, the murder victim is sufficiently loathsome to evoke little sympathy; but Dickie is actually more honorable than his brother or his brother's business associates. Submitted by 10yearoldfan, 13 September 2013.

And, does anyone else feel that TCOT Unsuitable Uncle resembles a soap opera? There are a love triangle, skeletons in the closet, and a character who appears from the past to ruin an illusory paradise. Submitted by 10yearoldfan, 13 September 2013.

Continuity: Dickie Durham's face is remarkably pristine following his barroom brawl. Submitted by 65tosspowertrap, 11/1/2013.

Questioning Della: "Dickie" was a client of Perry's and in her duties as private secretary Miss Street would look at the mail. How did Mr. Burger get to question Della about the letter? Shouldn't that letter have been considered a priviliged communication between lawyer and client even though Richard was dead? Submitted by H. Mason 12/26/14

That staircase set makes its fifth appearance in the last dozen episodes. Not sure, but I think we get a glimpse of Distinguished Gentleman waiting tables in the Zebra Club. DODay 11/16/17

The Title: Who was the "Unsuitable Uncle"? It was revealed that Richard was the father and Russell raised her but wasn't her father, he was really the uncle. The title fits either man, but it was meant to describe Richard. Submitted by H. Mason 12/26/14

The (Not)Great Indoors One of the attractions of PM, I think, was the frequent use of location filming - one has to go back only to the previous episode, with it's apartment court and beach scenes (with or without Ellen Burstyn's prancing figure); but that wasn't the case today: the "waterfront" and "garden" scenes stand out in particular as unconvincing efforts. Grumbling by Notcom, 080918.

Scandalous Names !! Beware !! - MeTV [CC] dept worked overtime on this one. All cases of Dick(ie) or (pea)"cock" => "XXXX". Needless to say since a major character's name is involved, there's alot of XXXXs, but peacock made me laugh. Asta 69 2-26-25.