
That’s right kids! The sweet, soft-spoken elderly nurse and the nasty head Talosian Keeper from the original Star Trek pilot are played by the same actress, Meg Wyllie. See for yourself at Memory Alpha. Submitted by gracep, 1/14/2011.

While neither as clever as “TCOT Crooked Candle,” nor as complicated as “TCOT Half-Wakened Wife,” (both, not coincidentally, E.S. Gardner originals), this is a very satisfying story, with an excellent prologue and interesting characters we can actually care about. Submitted by cgraul 12/12/2011.
As in last week’s episode, the crux of the plot is the paternity of a young woman. DOD 02/25/25

Two things struck me about this episode—written by Robert Leslie Bellem—one of the strangest pulp writers ever. But an effective one, nonetheless. Then there is the actor, Peter Whitney, who reminds me so much of a Jack Kirby drawing/character, not just in his performance, but in his very appearance. If you know who “King” Kirby was, I don’t think I need to say more! Submitted by MikeReese, 12/15/2011.
+ As a long-time Jack Kirby fan, i know EXACTLY what you mean. catyron, 04/25/18

When Perry questions Helen/Susan/Helen about the automobile accident which killed her mother and "baby" sister (who was actually a month older/younger), her finacée, Van, presumptively jumps in to tell the story. jfh 30Apr2023

It sounds to me as though Paul, in telling Perry and Della what he discovered about the automobile accident, uses the word "premopera" I feel certain he intended "primapara". Maybe I have cloth ears.
While I enjoy this episode, in the end there are too many unanswered questions and I end up feeling unsatisfied. What happened to the merger? What happens to the boats that John Gregory was leasing, who owns those? How does John Gregory know for sure whose daughter lived in the accident? And the final scene almost makes it feel like this should have been a two-part episode. I really expect there to be a "To Be Continued" screen after that scene. Submitted by Neil Van Zile 4/10/2014.
+I agree. I have commented on other episode pages about the way many stories were not finished after the murder was solved. Added by H. Mason 12/26/14
+ True. It seems to be a continuing soap opera theme as mentioned in the previous episode by 10yearoldfan. HamBurger 7/9/2016

Nervous Man: Why was Hamilton Burger pacing and why did he stand slightly behind some of the witnesses during questioning? Submitted by H. Mason 12/26/14

Conflicting Testimony: The Autopsy Surgeon (Dr. Hoxie) said the victim died from "several blows with a blunt instrument". The killer seemed to imply he only struck once. He said: "I only meant to knock Moray out....I hit him too hard!" Submitted by H. Mason 12/26/14

"The oldest federal law enforcement Marshals Service," the US MS website observes, "formed by the Judiciary Act of...1789...Section 27 reads: 'That a marshal shall be appointed...for such execute all lawful precepts directed...under the authority of the US...he shall have or more deputies": Jay Della is credited as "Davino (Marshal)," but DEPUTY Marshal would be more accurate. Mike Bedard 3.5.15.

Sounds like Perry has a head cold during a bunch of scenes when/after Perry and Della go to Boston to see Paul. Submitted by mesave31, 03/11/15.

A very rare instance of Paul Drake brandishing a firearm. DODay 11/17/17

Think the Judge - S John Launer must have been sick while filming this episode. They place the camera to the rear and right of the witness stand so the judge cannot be seen. Even when Mason and Burger argue a point, they use this angle even though it begs for the judge to be seen. There are also no shots of the courtroom showing the judge with the other actors present. The one shot of the judge in his seat is a single shot with no one else in it. Finally, the judge in his chambers does have a line and Mr Launer looks white as a ghost. Hhawk 12/12/19

In the opening scene the congressman calls for the Marshal to take Jahnchek back to prison. When Jahnchek pushes him away the Marshal goes for a gun under his coat but doesn't produce it. But he does keep his hand on it just in case. Kilo 2/1/2020.

Spoiler Warning! Do Not Read Below If You Have Not Seen The Episode

Continuity not so much a "continuity error" as a "too much continuity error": the scene(s) between the brothers fighting and the finding of the body is essentially one lone take (interrupted only by the passage of the characters thru the entry) and there's simply no way the events could have taken place as described...there just just wasn't time for them. To be sure, it might seem like a small thing, given that the show is driven more by character interaction and general storylines, but in this case it was a crucial element of the plot; and always annoying in that the solution often hinges on deciphering minute details. Grumbling by Notcom, 051121.

The timing of the fight followed by the discovery of the body is tight, it is still possible that the events took place as stated. With the murderer and his victim hiding in another compartment a few feet away, it is plausible that once Gregory exited the interior and appeared on deck that his brother would go straight to the motor launch and seconds later the murderer pulls and dumps the body in the cabin before heading to the back of the boat to slip over the stern. To me, the issue is not the timing, but the noise that would've been made by the motor launch and all that moving around by two men, one of whom was dragging a dead body. Submitted by Kenmore 01/25/2022
> Viewing the episode again last night, it seems like Gregory's post-exit time on deck was longer (than when I had viewed it last year); so it's not impossible that in some versions several second have been edited out, which - obviously - would affect how plausible the scene is. That having been said, however, even (in what is presumably) unedited, the scenario would require split second timing...all unrehearsed and from people not actually working together: as is true many timse on the show, and as an exasperated Steve Drumm would later blurt out "It's possible Perry...but it's not likely!" Notcom (on redirect) 052522.