How is it considered First Degree Murder if Freeman was killed with his own gun in Nancy's motel room? Clearly there could not be premeditation if he was in HER room and she did not have a weapon. If anything, it should have been second degree or voluntary manslaughter. Even Burger's opening statement was pretty weak. He tried to wave away the fact that Freeman was harassing Nancy for things her brother did, broke into her motel room with a gun, and was killed for the effort.
The Valley Trout Farm that Nancy Banks works at in this episode actually did exist in the San Fernando Valley. It's the Sportsman’s Lodge in Studio City on Ventura Blvd near Laurel Canyon. I fished there myself as a kid and boy was it exciting. The fishing portion is gone now but the Lodge and Hotel remain. Here is the history currently on the Sportsman's Lodge web site: “The Sportsmen’s Lodge Hotel has been a landmark since it opened in 1962. Adjacent to the original Sportsmen’s Lodge, a restaurant and trout-fishing lake where families and celebrities such as Clark Gable came to catch and eat their own dinners, cooked courtesy of the lodge. As the San Fernando Valley evolved, Studio City sprung up around the hotel and historic Trout Lakes. Sportsmen’s Lodge Hotel has preserved its country charm and appeal to celebrities looking for a low-key atmosphere. Robert Kennedy stayed on the fifth floor at the Sportsmen’s Lodge Hotel the night before his assassination.
On the walls of our café, you’ll find many movie posters signed by Hollywood cowboys who stayed here. And, many a musician has been found improvising by the pool over the years as well. The Sportsmen’s Lodge truly is a quiet legend that represents the history of the entertainment industry’s roots.” The Sportsman’s Lodge is actually not too far from the Beverly Garland Hotel, which has the same vibe and whose former owner Beverly Garland, appeared in a 1960 Perry Mason episode. Added by Eric Cooper, 6/23/2009.
> Until this week: yet another link to the past is severed. Notcom, 090419.
In a dramatic moment, Perry Mason warns someone to “get the shrewdest lawyer in town.” Well, if that isn’t Mason himself, who could it be? Submitted by gracenote, 8/9/2011.
+ It must have been Jarvis Nettle Gilmore since that's who Rodney got to represent him. Added by H. Mason 3/13/15
I'm impressed with Della's math skills. Submitted by DellaFan, 12/3/2013.
In the tradition of alliterative titles, this should have been"The Frigid Fists".
With her white gloves, cigarette holder, tall hat, and expressive hands, Phyllis Coates, in her first scene, reminds me of Phyllis Diller.
Phyllis Coates played Lois Lane in the first season (26 episodes) of Superman on television. And, Dabs Greer appeared with Phyllis Coates on the first of those 26 (George Reeves) Superman television episodes. Otto Gervaert, 2/15/21.
I'm impressed with Della's math skills. Submitted by DellaFan, 12/3/2013.
We get another good look at Della’s unique filing system - a single drawer for each letter A to J. DOD 03/02/22
It's for you, Mr. Mason: Perry received a call at Rodney's apartment house from Paul. Ms. Laughton took the call and announced it. jfh 08Jan2018.
Question: How did Nancy get Perry's home phone number? Submitted by H. Mason 3/13/15
Perry-mutuel betting ?? How do Fremont and the sergeant know who to look for?? The latter acts surprised when he encounters Perry, so it doesn't seem they know to look for him specifically - and why would they ?? - but it makes little sense they would stop every one who claimed a winning ticket...there would probably be hundreds of people. Queried by Notcom, 060419.
An excellent point. If they were following Rodney, he had no contact with Perry. If they were also following Nancy, she could easily show the tickets were bought with her money. Another one of those plot holes we just have to forgive. DOD 01/31/20
TIME TUNNEL Perspective: Original viewers of Ice-Cold Hands may have hear that day about the Ratification of the 24th Amendment: "The right of vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice-President, for electors...or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax." Mike Bedard 3.16.15.
I must be missing something. After the race Perry, Della and Nancy Banks are at Nancy's motel room to give her the money won at the track. At one point Perry says "Because when you came into my office you already knew your horse had won, didn't you?". Nancy answered "Yes. I guess that's how it was". How is this possible since they listened to the race on the radio AFTER Nancy had visited Perry? Kilo 3/8/2020.
No, you’re not missing anything. Just watched this episode again, and that bit makes no sense at all. DOD 02/15/21
In the book ESG has Della explain, "There's a broadcast of the races at five-thirty ... It's very realistic. They tape it right at the track and then broadcast it on the radio later on. We can listen and find out what horse won." Another Case of the Missing Dialog? terrys 02/06/23

This episode has one of my all-time favorite scenes in Perry Mason! Every time I see that witness on the stand, upon being given immunity, promptly confessing to the murder, I laugh out loud! D.A. Burger has the right note of incredulity and exasperation! Very well done! I enjoyed it in the book too. Submitted by DyNama, 3/5/2014.
The dialog in that scene says that granting immunity was a new-fangled practice of prosecutors. I'd like to find out more of the history of granting immunity. The book was published in 1962 so it was contemporary with this episode. That may explain why Mr. Burger didn't know what was going to happen. Submitted by DyNama, 3/5/2014.
+ According to the (California) SENATE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY, 2009, from the section "History of Transactional and Use-Derivative Use Immunity in California": "Penal Code Section 1324 was codified in 1953 and was not amended again until 1996....Before 1996, felony prosecutions required a grant of transactional immunity for compelled testimony that was self-incriminating." lowercase masonite, 3/19/16.
California previously had witness immunity during 1911-1917, when this Section 1324 of the California Penal Code was repealed. See for example the 1917 book The Codes of California as Amended...: "Witness Not To Be Prosecuted Upon Testimony Of Himself...a witness can no longer refuse to testify in a criminal case though his testimony may incriminate himself...". lowercase masonite, 3/19/16.
1954 is the date of the Federal Compulsory Testimony Act, providing "for a grant of immunity to a witness before one of the Houses of Congress or a congressional committee upon the approval of a federal district court." See for example the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Volume 46, Issue 5, 1956. lowercase masonite, 3/19/16.
Good rule of thumb for me....If character actor Dabbs Greer appears on a PM episode, his character is up to no good!.... Bob61571, 30 April 2018