Anyone know why Barbara Hale has been absent these last few episodes? Was it a surgery or...? Also, Raymond Burr is really putting on weight. It's very noticeable in the past few episodes.
It seemed a bit ridiculous and overdramatic to have the first person ever handcuffed on the show turn out to be a 70-year old former fireman. Was that really necessary? What did they think he was going to do? What ever happened to respect for former public servants? That said, he is one of the more annoying and unlikable defendants this season. DellaMason 12/23
+I'm guessing that the police aren't overly concerned with what York's former position was. The handcuffs were probably more a reflection on whether or not the person being arrested was "going quietly". Given York's explosive personality (Who throws an ashtray through their television set? Those things are expensive!), I'm guessing he didn't take kindly to being arrested. This, no doubt, resulted in his being restrained. Submitted by Paul's Operative. 4/9/2024.
It’s unusual that in this episode they begin the courtroom scene with an American Flag ritual, the entrance of the judge, and other formal procedures not previously aired. Submitted by gracenote, 2/14/2011.
+In light of the fact that Kennedy had recently been killed, I wonder if the flag ritual was their way of paying tribute in some way? People were feeling very patriotic and suspicious of who was responsible. Oswald was linked with the communists so that could have been the reason for all the Iron Curtain talk in this episode too. DellaMason 12/19/23
The opening scene of the assault and arson is a wonderful example of television film noir: the close focus on the crowbar, use of high contrasting light and shadows, camera rack-focusing to follow the slow-moving hand, and the choreography of the fall after the manager is hit. Very nice. Submitted by cgraul, 10/18/2011.
After the warehouse manager regains consciousness and runs outside to activate the fire alarm box, he breaks the glass over the switch (there is an attached hammer for just such a purpose), despite the fact that you could clearly just pull the cover down without breaking any glass. In fact, as he is pulling the lever, the little door (now with broken glass) falls open on its own. [Krazy Karl 82 2/17/2023]
Perry sent Gertie on an errand and he left the office. With Della away who was watching the store? Did Perry take lessons on how to run his business from Constant Doyle? Submitted by H. Mason 3/18/15
For some reason, Perry makes all his office entrances and exits through the back door. When he parks his Lincoln outside the warehouse, there is a noticeable dent on the left front fender. DOD 1/15/18
Would you like fries with that? Are those fries in a carton on the table when Carey York and his son are watching the first newscast? Submitted by Miss Carmody, 3 Nov. 2023.
This is one of those episodes where the victim and defendant are both so obnoxious you almost wish the latter was guilty; no Della...a real bummer. Submitted by Notcom, 040516.
Any episode with Elaine Devry is tops in my book. JohnK, 6 April 2016
Identity Crisis? Tommy Towne's vehicle is an automobile, yet on the door in great big all-caps it clearly says: "TV NEWS TRUCK". OLEF641 7/7/21

It rather amazing how quickly Perry uncovers the whole plot point involving a foreign government. Dorian and Paul supposedly come up through the floor of the warehouse to set their trap for the killer. Wouldn't that have made a lot of noise? DOD 1/15/18
Casey York said that Ross Walker confessed to everything except the national debt. The national debt in 1964 was $311 Billion. Otto Gervaert, 2/22/21.