
Lt Anderson testified that the officer chasing Roy Galen followed him to try to discover what Roy was running away from. He found Galen leaving the house where Sybil was murdered. Considering the chase happened BEFORE the murder, how did Andy reconcile his testimony? Did he think Galen murdered Sybil, ran away, and then returned to the scene of the crime? Poor, nonsensical writing. DM 1/24
+That isn’t exactly what was described. They said the officer following his car lost him. Another officer found his car while searching, so presumably there was plenty of time between the two for the murder to have been committed. - HPW 9/24

Eric Pollard has dizzy spells, like he is almost fainting from painful headaches, and no one is recommending a thorough physical examination for him? No one wonders about brain tumors or if his wife or someone is slowly poisoning him? Not even a psychiatrist, a physician, recommends such an exam. And they still let him drive a car. Well, maybe the taxi drivers steer clear of him. Submitted by (lowercase, with a comma and period) masonite, 12/14/12.
+Exactly! Pollard had a history of dizzy spells that coincided with his erratic behavior. He even lost consciousness in front of the judge! At that point, wouldn't they have called a doctor to help? And wouldn't that doctor have ordered a battery of tests to see what was going on? Even the psychiatrist kept harping on Ballard's "delusions" when none of that explained why he took a gun to a bank and smashed up a cab. Even if he did believe his wife was cheating or even if she really was cheating, it didn't excuse his behavior! My wife cheated so I'm going to rob a bank? DM 1/24

Ballard's behavior at the probation office would have been more than enough to get him re-arrested. Making threats against a public service officer is a violation of the terms of his probation. If his probation officer had done his job, he would have detained and arrested him. Ballard was far too arrogant for someone facing 5 years hard labor if he messed up. DM

Slo-Mo Was it just me or did Paul's recording of Ballard's voice sound like the batteries were running down? It sounded like a very slow version of the real guy's voice.
During his second questioning of the coroner, Perry refers to t t's "muscuLĀTure" (long "A" sound). jfh 08Jun2022.

In his office, Talbot serves coffee in the Curious Coffee set.

Looks like Galen has borrowed Della’s file cabinets - you know, the ones with a separate drawer for letters A through H.

I can understand how Sybil could be given power of attorney for her husband in personal matters, but it makes no sense she would be given such power in business matters. DOD 03/06/20

+Yes! What experience did she have with investments? It seemed as though her signature was nothing more than a formality. It was presented as though others would handle the actual work and she would just need to sign off on it. When they started accusing her of embezzlement, it really seemed like something she would not have the experience or knowledge to do. Unless she was a financial advisor herself, it made no sense that she would even be accused of the crime. It was very obvious that someone way more experienced with the firm's accounts set her up. Yet none of the investigators seemed to catch this discrepancy or even ask the question about how she would have known how to do this.

Wedding Rings; Eric Pollard said he loved his wife but didn't wear a ring. Sibyll Pollard wanted a divorce but appeared to be wearing a wedding ring. That seems backward. Submitted by H. Mason 4/14/15
+ While double-ring ceremonies are more common now, single-ring marriage ceremonies, symbolic of the man giving his reproductive seed (I kid you not) and the woman receiving it, have been the norm. Some religions still prohibit double-ring ceremonies. It could be that Eric Pollard never wore a wedding ring, regardless of his feelings toward his wfe. jfh 06Feb2017.

Question: What happened to Dean Franklin? Submitted by H. Mason 4/14/15

Original viewers may have heard the News that day: "Berkeley Free Speech Movement: Police arrest over 800 students at the University of California following their takeover and sit-in at the administration building in protest at the UC Regents' decision to forbid protests on UC property []"; the 1st Amendment: "the Right of the people peaceably to Assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Mike Bedard 4.20.15

That was fun, let's do it again: Roy and Sibyll are embracing on a bench at night when an unexpected photographer takes one flash photo of them (24:49 of the 2012 Paramount DVD). When the photographer shows the photo in court (37:24), the positions of Roy and Sibyll have changed (Roy's hands, Sibyll's face), and they are no longer closing their eyes during the flash. The KEEP CLEAN container behind Roy also disappeared, possibly from the angle of the photo. lowercase masonite, 4/22/16.

During his testimony under oath, Larry West says that, in the park, he heard Roy Galen say to Sibyll, "Right now, if anybody's going to kill you, Sibyll it'll be me." In the MeTV syndicated version of this episode, the audience wasn't priviledged to hear the conversation after Mr. West "doubled back", but was it shown in anyone else's version? jfh 01Sep2022

Discussing Pollard’s case in the judge’s chamber, Burger reminds the judge he planned to charge Pollard with armed robbery. Not sure how he could do that if the banks weren’t even open. Seems to me the proper charge would be grand theft auto. DOD 03/22/21

Unobjectionable testimony?: The doctor testifies in court (35:41 onward) that "the murderer used his forearm or the palm of his hand to exert pressure...". Perry only listens attentively, without any objection about assuming facts not in evidence or even asking if a woman could have exerted the pressure. lowercase masonite, 4/22/16.

Another episode where a "Texan" uses the term "John Henry" instead of "John Hancock" for the word "signature". see episode 192. jfh 06Feb2017.

The Talbot and Pollard office doors, at the beginning (about 3 minutes in on the broadcast version), appear to have no glass. It's interesting to see what older TV shows could get away with, as far as sets. Granted, I am watching on a 50" TV, and 50 years ago, most people — I assume — would have had a 20" or smaller TV set. Also, is anyone else bothered by Perry's office desk? it seem to just be cheap peg board around the sides. Also, someone should be keeping track of the metal 'cone' wall sconce (Richard Jenkins office, around 9 minutes in on the broadcast version) I have been seeing those a lot on the sets. —yelocab 03JUL18

No wonder the investor whose $250,000 went missing was so upset, in 2021 money that would be just over $2,000,000! OLEF641 8/4/21

Spoiler Warning! Do Not Read Below If You Have Not Seen The Episode

The writers seem to have done a good job of setting up likely (red herring) suspects with the secretary and disgruntled investor, but - disappointingly - nothing was done further to develop those angles; indeed - again, disappointingly, as it is so often the case - the resolution is one of those out-of-the-blue no-real-evidence suppositions; without the obligatory confession, the case would be unresolved. Notcom, 071019.

Agree - and it’s difficult to believe someone could do that tape recorder trick in a busy office building, and then hide it somewhere without being spotted. Also, if Pollard cared so little for his wife that he was willing to set her up to take the blame for his crime, why should he care she was having an affair? DOD 03/06/20

Yet another episode where the victim was not "deserving", so to speak. And, like in the previous episode where that was the case, #217/Nautical Knot, apparent mental derangement is also a plot point, though unlike here, it was the victim who appeared impaired. OLEF641 8/4/21