This episode had an international cast of supporting players, many with very unusual accents. Even the supposedly Hawaiian characters had a slew of different accents. In a pre-Internet world, most viewers would not have known the difference. The show played by the "any accent will do" rule so prevalent in TV and film of the time. Unfortunately, many of these supporting players gave stilted performances. Auntie Hilo's testimony in court sounded as though she was reading from cue cards. When Anona's cousin emerges from the ocean wearing rather unfortunate swim trunks, he delivers a short monologue about what he found underwater. Unfortunately, he also sounds like a robot. What should have been a passionate speech filled with wonder wound up sounding like a computerized voice. Perhaps it's the language barrier? Maybe these actors are uncertain about getting all the English lines correct so are unconcerned with their meaning? Very unusual episode. DM
The district attorney has such strange features that it's almost scary to look at him. He resembles an alien. He wasn't all that great an actor so not sure how he wound up getting on television. DM
Is it just me, or is Auntie Hilo's accent awfully peculiar? Ed Zoerner, 5/7/12.
+ Auntie Hilo, played by Miriam Goldina, was born in Russia and definitely has a European accent -- Perry Baby 10/13/13
++ She was a Russian Jew, born on March 27, 1898 in Tsaritsyn, Russian Empire, as Miriam Goldstein. She studied under Stanislavsky at the Moscow Art Theatre, and she was the co-founder of the Los Angeles Junior Ballet with Irina Kosmovska. And, as if that was not strange enough, as a putative Hawaiian, she played the Christian classic hymn "Rock of Ages" on the harmonium. The mind boggles. Submitted by catyron, July 2nd, 2018 Not sure which hymn, but it does not sound like "Rock of Ages". Joe B. 11/29/22
There is no such place as Kamehameha Point, but there is a Fort Kamehameha, which is named after Kamehameha I. He conquered the Hawaiian Islands and formally established the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi in 1810. He also made alliances with the major colonial powers in the Pacific and made it possible for the islands to remain independent. Submitted by Neil Van Zile, 6/16/2014
The ʻIʻiwi bird is a real bird and it is red, but it is not extinct. In fact it is one of the most common native bird on the Hawaiian Islands. It was extirpated from the island of Lānaʻi in 1929, but is still found on the other islands of the chain. It is, however, currently listed as Vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's list of endangered species. Submitted by Neil Van Zile, 6/16/2014
Dolly’s room has two of our standard “swank apartment” features - that door with three decorative panels and the screen with the starbursts. Perhaps she borrowed her hair bow from Rose Marie? DOD 04/01/21
Perry assumed Auntie Hilo was the mother of Anona Gilbert. He usually doesn't make that type of mistake. Submitted by H. Mason 4/22/15
Wende Wagner, who plays Anona Gilbert in this episode, went on to play the athletic Casey Case in The Green Hornet a few years later. That girl really knew how to fill out a dress. Or in this instance, a sarong or muumuu. JohnK, 9 November 2015.
Hawaii Five-O aired an episode about the Theft of the King's Feather Cloak. Mike Bedard 4.30.15
Charlie Chan Suit? Is it me or does Lt. Kia played by Jon Hall appear to be wearing a suit worn by Charlie Chan in several movies? Funny how this happens in the very next episode after Roland Winters (Charlie Chan was a role he played) appeared in episode 229. Submitted by HamBurger 10/10/2016
+Maybe Jon Hall borrowed the suit from Warner Oland when he appeared in "Charlie Chan in Shanghai" (1935), and it took only another thirty years for him to grow into it. Submitted by BobH, 20 February 2017.
o ka hale paʻahao bound Though the producers made excellent use of that ancient Hawaiian custom - the post-trial luau (for both the defense and prosecution) they had to forgo one of PM's trademarks...the looming gas chamber: the Aloha State had abolished capital punishment in 1957 (as noted in this link, apparently Hawaii maintains "mainland facilities": truth can be stranger than pulp fiction). Noted by Notcom, 060117.
Surely a spear gun would pierce a body through. Too, it is never explained why the killer took the trouble to prop the body at the desk. And, for once, our suspect has the good sense to NOT handle the murder weapon.
Can't recall another episode with a microphone at the witness stand.
DOD 03/18/20
+ If Doug were really dead and limp, his head would be down on his chest. Having the actor hold his head up is a common mistake made across the film world when someone is dead and propped up to look alive. OLEF641 8/14/21
Is this the only episode where Perry objects to the prosecution asking to have evidence entered into court? Submitted by Otto Gervaert, 4/1/21.
+ In one of the episodes where a tape recording is to be introduced - unfortunately I can't recall which one - Hamilton wishes to admit only a portion; Perry objects and asks that the whole tape be introduced (IIRC his objection is sustained and turns out to be key...naturally). Notcom, 040121.
++ In the immediately previous episode, TCOT Telltale Tap, Perry objects to Burger's introduction of the content of the wire recording, but not the actual spool of wire. Does that count? OLEF641 8/14/21
I don't remember the prosecutor having an Hispanic surname before (District Attorney Alvarez). Seems odd that that would happen first in Hawaii, not Los Angeles. DellaFan2

Ethical Exception: I'm no lawyer, so I could be wrong on this. But at the start of the episode, Perry's client was said to be a hotel chain (not the wealthy parrot guy Jarvis Logan). Still, along the way, in working for that client, Perry gathered information that he used against Jarvis in the trial. Surely there is some conflict at work here. JohnK, 9 November 2015
I agree with JohnK— I thought the same thing. Wouldn’t client confidentiality rules at least stand against Perry's using privileged information against his (former?) client? SoCalSis, 31 May 2023