The entire monologue by Danny at the end was very confusing and made no sense. I rewound it a few times, but it didn't help. Danny seemed to be discussing an exchange with his real father, but then talks about being young and experienced. His brother Carl's reply had no connection to what Danny had just said. Instead he starts talking about how Danny's step-father always loved him. The entire thing was poorly written and a bit maudlin. DM
Ah, the good old days! When Carl Talbert could leave his automobile unlocked, with the keys in the ignition, unguarded, all alone in the parking garage, and then come out to find it still there. Submitted by PaulDrake 33. 30 January 2015.
+It wasn't a parking garage, it was a parking lot to a business with underworld connections. Everybody in the 'hood probably knew those cars were off limits. Added by H. Mason 4/29/15
++And his address written on the key case. I guess in case he lost his keys, someone would know where to return them too! --yelocab 15AUG19
This was a VERY common trope in PM and other shows; it allowed the actors to jump into cars and immediately drive off w/o having to find and insert keys. cgraul 5.11.23
Especially during the scenes surrounding the murder, this episode has some especially lush, dramatic music.
Danny Talbert followed the presumed killer's car close enough to read some of the license plate, but could give only a generic description. Cars were so distinctive then, surely a police officer would have instantly known the exact year and make just from the tail lights. Carl says that after losing phone contact with his father, he tried to reach his brother, then rushed to the hospital. How did he know which hospital to go to? Kitty and Stella seem to be competing for the most ludicrously thick, heavy eyelashes. As others have noted, a really strong plot that could have filled out a two hour movie. The only plot hole is how our killer knew that there was a valuable paper to be stolen in the first place. DOD 03/13/19
From certain angles, Joe De Santis has a strong resemblance to the older Laurence Olivier.
+ IMHO, and a bit like Omar Sharif
Does every "swank" apartment in LA have that door with the three decorative panels?
A very intriguing plot, but one that really could have filled two hours. As is, there were way too many sudden revelations by Perry when questioning Parker.
+ I agree. There was not enough "Paul action" to justify Perry knowing the solution so quickly. Submitted by catyron, July 19th, 2018
Well what does the Public know, anyway? I concur this was one of the better episodes: three common plot devices - The Underworld, Estranged Brothers, Cop on Trial - were brought together in a tense storyline which had some underdeveloped points - the father's actions (indeed his death is really almost a McGuffin) - but nothing absurd or inconsistent; and it just oozed Noirish "tough guy". Curiously, tho, the the rating for it is actually below average. Notcom 082421.
I strongly disagree with this review: it is one of the worst, most overly-melodramatic episodes. I am not sure which is worse: Hibbs' direction or Dennis' writing. cgraul 5.11.23
Knock Knock Early on when Charles Judd (Max Showalter) leaves his drink at the bar, enters the hallway, then knocks on Louie Parker's door we hear the knocks before his knuckles wrap on the door. JJ 2021-04-11.

This was an excellent story except for the incomplete ending. What happened to Louie Parker? Just one line of dialog in the final scene saying he would be back in court on perjury charges or something of that sort would have been a bit more satisfying. Submitted by H. Mason 4/29/15Joan Huntington as Kitty Delaney
MAJOR SPOILER: the murderer is (Joan Huntington as) Kitty Delaney. jfh 10Jun2024