
Was hard not to get frustrated on Perry's behalf at a constantly overwrought client he can never get a straight answer from. The way Marion Moses was chewing up the scenery with her constant hysterics and screaming made her a prime candidate for the Roberta Harris award. She didn't do real emotion very well so came off like a cross between an actress in a B horror film and a bad Greta Garbo impersonator. She had two speeds: sleepy and hysterical. I kept waiting for her to calm down and act like a real person, but she never did. Her constant yelling and panicking made me turn my TV down more than once. Lot of weird supporting actors in this one. Like the guy with Gene Lyons who kept pointing his Pinocchio nose disapprovingly at everyone. Since they were the two main characters, it made the episode a bit of a chore IMHO. Interesting episode if some of the cast-members were replaced. Submitted by DellaMason

All day parking at the courthouse is 75¢. Such a deal! Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.05 Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $0.31 Cost of a dozen eggs: $0.53 Cost of a gallon of Milk: $0.95 1965 prices Submitted 8/30/2011 Mason Jar

I find it odd that Paul, the excellent detective he is, did not chase down the guy he ran into after he heard the scream and shot especially since Perry was already ahead of him toward the scream. Perry Baby 12/17/13
+ VERY TRUE! I thought the same thing, especially since it's a night time, after hearing a scream AND a gunshot! ...and Paul even carries a gun, so why not run after the guy?!!! They could have at least made Paul fall down or something, so the guy could "legitimately" get away. ;-> Submitted by mesave31, 03/14/15.

When did the Los Angeles Chronicle become a sleazy rag? The paper seemed to lean toward sensationalism, but not dirt. The three stories we saw were supposedly written by Ted Halberson. Perry said Halberson was a "scandal sheet reporter" and Paul, when talking about the Selff situation, said "Decent papers won't touch it." (Wasn't the Chronicle a decent paper?) There were four other newspapers in the series why wasn't one of those papers used for this story? Submitted by H. Mason 9/29/14
+ Must have happened after Joes Davies took over...looks like the haters were right. Interjected by Notcom, 061016.

This is no less than the fourth episode in the last twelve, and the second in a row, in which the plot revolves around someone being thought dead, who isn't...I think the writers were running out of ideas. Pondered by Notcom, 061016.
+ To expand on my earlier comment, perhaps we shouldn't try to apportion blame for this episode as much as gain an appreciation how it perfectly illustrates ESG's story wheel at work: plot ?? spin the wheel > woman is haunted by allegedly dead husband; supporting characters ?? spin again > understanding companion, business partner. insurance investigator...dramatic developments? spin again> seance, confrontation with intruder... What we end up with, of course, is a Frankenstein episode: assembled from parts of other episodes, yet not without some individuality once the parts are brought together (is 'Rosemary' as faithful as she seems?? you don't really know). As for the umpteenth appearance of "Balfour", the stairway and the cloche hat: have at it !! Reconsidered by Notcom, 081619.

The previous episode, "The 12th Wildcat," was the first episode filmed this season (and the following episode, "The Runaway Racer" was the second). "The Wrathful Wraith" was the tenth. For some reason, the first two episodes filmed were held over for a month or two. The similarity in plot probably wasn't noticed when the episodes were scheduled. Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 12/27/17.

I wonder why the writer's picked North Carolina as the location of the nudist colony. I would think somewhere in California would be more logical. Submitted by Perry Baby (in NC) 1/8/17.

Except for the feeble and silly closing scene, a very entertaining episode that really had you questioning the actions of just about everyone involved. As usual, there are a few lapses in logic: What would Jamison Selff had done if his wife had indeed been found guilty of his murder? The insurance investigator persists in believing that Louise and Jamison were in cahoots, but it should have been clear to anyone watching as closely as he that that certainly was not the case. In questioning Jeanne Welch, Burger expresses incredulity that Louise thought she was seeing the ghost of her husband, but by this point it has been established that Jamison was indeed popping in and out specifically to make that impression. McGuffin alert - the Alcott process. DOD 04/03/19

+Yes I thought the same thing! Burger asked Rosemary if Louise had said she'd been visited by "the ghost of her dead husband." Rosemary said yes which wasn't accurate. Louise said she had been visited by Jamison himself, not his ghost. But even the testimony of Jamison's landlady seemed to support the ghost story since she overheard him calling Louise's name in a low (spooky?) voice. Burger's question may have been to show that Louise had lost touch with reality, which actually might have set her up for a NGRI defense. But the entire question was pointless in light of the fact that he was alive all along. It also was a bit erroneous since Burger implied that Louise and Jamison were in it together. If that was the case, wouldn't Louise say nothing about seeing her husband? DellaMason

It was nice to see a fortune teller and clairvoyant treated as a fairly decent and loyal person. Perry did not believe she was anything but a fraud, yet she behaved with dignity and compassion the entire time. Submitted by catyron, July 25th, 2018

Did anyone else catch the doctor saying, after Louise was “attacked” by the raincoat, “She has had a terrible shock. It may be SELF induced. Great pun, that. Rickapolis 04/15/20

After two weeks in the hospital it seems that Louise is just as close to going over the edge, if not completely over it. Kilo 4/30/2020.