From the first scene, Frannk has a gash on his forehead. Is there any explanation offered? jfh 09Jan2024
The prosecutor makes the interesting observation in court that Perry is “hoist with his own petard.” A few minutes later, Paul repeats the sentiment privately to Perry. I was curious about this metaphor. According to Wikipedia, this is defined as falling into to one's own trap. Hoist means to be thrown into the air. Petard—a small bomb—is from medieval French. Hamlet is the origin of the phrase. Oddly enough, I heard the same phrase several days later in a Season 7 episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Submitted by Kim 7/21/2010.
+ Perry to Paul: "Shelby FLIMFLAMMED everyone he did business with"; the term derives from Icelandic word FLIMSKA/"Mockery" [Webster's Encyc. Unabr. Dict.]. Mike Bedard 5.6.2016 MeTV viewing reaction.
I love the striped pajamas on Mr. Shelby. They even have a pocket! Submitted by gracenote, 9/1/2011.
+ There's also a pocket on Frank's pajama top --- which Frank now-stylishly front-tucked into his trousers. jfh 09Jan2024
In the course of Arthur’s testimony, there are two brief but dramatic overhead shots of the courtroom. I don’t recall shots from this angle in any other episode. DOD 06/19/20
+ There's also an interesting overhead camera angle as the initial courtroom scene opens: we see the judge appear under the furls of the American flag. jfh 09Jan2024
Sometime between the scene at the dock and the arrival of the police, Frank takes time to put on socks, but still wears his pajama top. When Frank says the police had no right to read his journal, he is absolutely correct. They had no warrant. DOD 06/19/20
The look that Paul gives actor Jonathan Hole (Arthur Williams) when he first appears in a scene says much more than words could: it's apparent that Paul (and everybody else!) don't believe a guy like THAT could attract a woman like Barbara Lawrence (Ellen Waring)... and he is about the most nervous of nervous Nellies I can think of in the series! Submitted by MikeReese, 7/10/2013.
Perry's grilling of the hapless Arthur Williams on the witness stand is one of the longest--7-1/2 minutes--and most memorable in the entire series. Jonathan Hole's performance as the nervous, twitchy, sweaty Williams is a joy to behold. Submitted by 65tosspowertrap, 13 April 2014.
+ OK, I can't hold back, yet ANOTHER episode with a character named Arthur. So, I went to IMDb and did a count. Besides Lt. Tragg, there were at least 21 men named Arthur and one woman with the last name of Arthur -- at LEAST 21 because on the master list of cast at IMDb only one character name is given for each actor, and we know that many actors made repeated appearances as different characters. It was NOT worth the time to check ALL those for possibly MORE Arthurs. I will now be able, I hope, to resist commenting on this in the future ;-) OLEF641 10/31/2020
In the scene in Ellen’s apartment when she is asked to explain the wet car seat and men’s shoes, I’m surprised Arthur wasn’t asked to try on the shoes. DOD 06/19/20
Yet another episode (I've lost count) featuring an affluent, childless, unhappily-married couple. What a bleak view of marriage we get from this show. No wonder Perry and Paul remain bachelors (although I'm starting to wonder if Perry likes girls). Submitted by 65tosspowertrap, 13 April 2014.
+Don't let it get you down, 65tpt, just remember that happily married couples rarely murder each other. Submitted by DyNama, 5 Sep 2017.
For the second episode in a row, and the fifth time in the first twenty-six episodes:
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned
Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."
Submitted by 65tosspowertrap, 13 April 2014.
When Perry and Paul are talking in Perry's office, Perry is using an electic shaver, as though preparing for his day after an all-nighter at work, he gathers up his overcoat to leave with Paul, then hesitates and looks down ... at Della sleeping on the office sofa. He then covers her with his overcoat. The sleeping Della first snuggles under his overcoat, then actually cuddles under it. Barbara Hale had the amazing ability to convey emotions without speaking a word. jfh 15May2017.
When Perry and Della arrive at the Shelby's place they are met by an officer with a portable police radio/telephone. The officer uses the radio to direct someone to start searching the lake. When he hangs up the radio antenna slaps him in the nose causing him to recoil slightly. It happens so quick you might not even notice. Submitted by Kilo 3/15/2018.
The establishing shot of the courthouse is obviously very old stock footage - not one car in the scene is much later than 1940. DOD 05/25/18

In the novel, Ellen surprises Arthur with the announcement to Perry and the police that they are getting married because she realizes what Arthur has done and she wouldn't have to testify against him. She wanted to marry him but he had no plans to propose and so tricks Arthur into marrying her. In the episode Arthur looks shocked by the marriage announcement and, as in the novel, they do get married, but in the episode the marriage plot is not developed any further. They might as well have not gotten married or have been married already. Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 9/9/13.
+In the episode, the fact that Ellen obviously surprises Arthur telegraphs that Ellen quickly realized that with Mason snooping around she needed protection in case the police try to turn her accomplice Arthur against her. She would never marry Arthur otherwise, so that is why they are not already married -- it is consistent with her character. Arthur and Ellen's plan to blackmail the murderous but rich widow (seemingly cooked-up after Mr. Shelby's murder) also explains why they did not come forward with the photos (see below for other comments on this). Fred Flintstone 12/17/2020.
Is this the only time the defendant in the novel becomes the murderer in the episode based on it? Submiited by Wiseguy70005, 9/9/13.
Ellen and Arthur withheld evidence that would have made the court session unnecessary. What were the consequences? One thing that I have found slightly annoying on this series was the lack of tying up the loose ends in the final scene. Many of the shows don't mention what happened to accomplices and characters guilty of other crimes. Submitted by H. Mason 10/6/14
+Yes, I don't understand what Arthur's motivation was (other than the $10,000—and perhaps future blackmail?). But he was making himself an accomplice to murder. He could have taken the photo to the police. —yelocab 14NOV19.
+Arthur and Ellen are twised but consistent. It is all about the money, and protecting themselves. Fred Flintstone 12/17/2020.
I thought Frank was finally going to find happiness with Marion. I guess not. —yelocab 14NOV19.