IIRC the establishing shot for the Harvey home looks to be the same as used for the Jerry Heywood residence in Haunted Husband. Submitted by billp, 2/9/2009.
This episode is similar to TCOT Careless Kitten (as shown on TV, not the book). jfh 18Jun2024
This episode is somewhat instructive about mineral rights and land ownership. We are facing some of that here on the East Coast now with the gas companies wanting to drill in the Marcellus Shale against the will of landowners. Seems a little shocking to me how property rights, very revered in this country, can be so discarded in this fashion. While I am glad of course Perry Mason won his case, I am sad that he was able to win it that way. Submitted by gracep, 18 August 2010.
+ Grace, of course that is a natural reaction; however, Perry's gambit was available because of property rights. At one point, someone sold an option for mineral rights on the land. Perry then purchased the option (or he may have leased them, which is more common). It is law that one may sell all of land rights ("fee simple") or any portion of rights to possess or use land as one wishes to sell. This way the original owner can still own his/her land and still allow others the use. When you rent an apartment, you are doing exactly this! cgraul 17 april 12
++ I think the shock comes not so much in the fact of the rights being exercised as the manner: showing up suddenly, unannounced - or nearly so (there's mention of the land company passing on mention) - and just starting to dig; I'm dubious it really works that way, just as a landlord can't barge into your apartment, their ownership notwithstanding. But such is the Perryllel Universe, where everything happens instantaneously. Notcom, 121520.
+++ And, of course, this was during the nutty uranium mine craze er. Submitted by catyron, December 30th, 2020.
In this episode and the next (TCOT Jaded Joker), the killer is revealed in a scene somewhere other than the courtroom. Are there any other instances of consecutive episodes ending outside the courtroom? Submitted by alan_sings, 16 Oct 2010.
+ I don't know about Consecutive instances, but another Example is "Shoplifter's Shoe" (1963) where the Murderer was identified in a hall Outside the courtroom. Mike B. 6.17.16.
Paul mentions how fortunate Harry West is to own two acres of land in Encino. In 1959, a number of celebrities lived, or had lived, in Encino. These included John Wayne, William Bendix, Al Jolson, and Clark Gable. Submitted by MikeM, 10/29/2012.
A Sign of the Times: Florence Harvey hires a private detective to investigate the suspicious Stacey Chandler. Today she could go online and utilize dozens of people search and background search websites for much less money. Submitted by Duffy, 9-10-2014.
A Joke: Now we know what happened to Bob Wallace! (How many of you understand this?) Submitted by H. Mason 10/17/14
+ I get it
-Arisia 02/16/18
Several unusual aspects to this episode: a bailiff reminds the judge of a previous commitment (also interesting that the bailiff is African-American); we never see the body; and we have the mode of murder vividly demonstrated in court.
Distinguished Gentleman has given up his waiter gig from the previous episode and is back to being court reporter.
We never learn how Irene got that necklace.
As in the previous episode, the set designers really went overboard with the Victoriana in Florence Harvey’s home.
At the start we expect Stacey Chandler to be a central figure in the plot - he ends up a peripheral figure, not even being called to the stand.
DOD 07/18/19
+ Actually, there is an explanation of how Irene got the necklace. It takes place during Perry's cross-examination of Florence Harvey. Florence admits that she gave the locket to Irene, along with the lighter, to make it more convincing that Irene knows where Mr. Harvey is. Florence found the locket in one of her husband's pockets after he disappeared. He apparently had it repaired for Mrs. West. The reason you could miss this plot point is that in the background during the cross the bailiff steps up on the bench, which is quite distracting. OldDave 8/4/20
++ There's a problem with the explanation, tho (see below under spoiler)
Great files: Klein Jewelers kept excellent records in the non-computerized 40s and 50s to be able to identify the purchaser of a necklace from 12 years earlier. Submitted by H. Mason 10/17/14
Real name: A little odd that a con man like Stacey Chandler didn't have any aliases. Submitted by H. Mason 10/17/14
"An Atmospheric Winner." This episode oozes a noirish atmosphere characteristic of the best early PM episodes: the shadow of past misdeeds hanging over the present, murder at a somewhat seedy roadside motel, not one but two tough-talking "dames" (Jean Willes and Peggy Maley), and a con man (John Bryant) trying to stay on the straight and narrow. And, for Golden Age mystery buffs, a courtroom diagram of the motel room murder scene. Submitted by BobH, 6 May 2020.

I agree with BobH about the noirish atmosphere. You get the stock noir loser, West, jerked around by forces he can't control (the wayward wife and rich boyfriend, scheming Irene, vicious Florence, inept cops, and the ever alert Perry who realizes that the guy with two acres in Encino shouldn't be living in a dump and borrowing money to live.) Albert Linville is very effective as West. You also get multiple wild but plausible plot twists. In addition to the ones noted above, how about: (1) someone attempts to frame the actual killer, and (2) West kills when he thinks he is being blackmailed, but all the "blackmailer" thinks she is doing is selling a little information (that she doesn't actually have.) Talk about a misunderstanding! I am really enjoying Season 2! OldDave 8/4/2020++I disagree with OldDave. West is no mere loser, and Florence Harvey is sour but not vicious. West's a multiple murderer. Florence Harvey didn't kill anyone! Hell hath no fury like a man scorned.
Lady Mondegreen 02/08/25
Although enjoyable, and for the most part well-plotted, there are a couple of noticeable problems: