'Hudson Nichols' benign racism/classism in this episode may seem odd to those unfamiliar with such 'genteel' activities, but I can say I almost wanted him to be guilty of something as he attempted to 'make a deal' with Mitsou. "It's not you, you understand ..". Nauseating. Submitted by MikeReese, 9/20/2013.
+ I too had a negative reaction to some of the people associated with this episode, but in my case it's the writers: the show opens with a daring topic - only a decade earlier, Grove and Mitsou's marriage would have been unlawful, and while that was no longer the case when this was filmed, it was still a sensitve topic. Enter Mason, who, in keeping with his image of worldliness, is intimate with Japanese customs ...even if he has a hard time pronouncing them.
In short it was an embracing of the kind of quiet liberalism the show was known for (Thomas Sowell notwithstanding). So then what happens?? Grove turns out to be a "heel" who has only feigned love as a form of rebellion, and Mitsou finds a nice Nisei handy.... how conveeenient!! Did the writers got second thoughts about turning the episode into a tolerance lesson, or was it never their intention in the first place ?? Whatever the reason(s), it was a rare retreat into the 19th Century....and had me sighing over missed opportunities Notcom, 110917.
++ On the other hand, the episode highlights the quiet dignity of the Japanese community and culture, contrasting that with the stressful, money-conscious culture of the west. Yes, it might have been progressive to have had Grove sincerely love Mitsou, but why would Mitsou have chosen Grove? She had told Perry earlier that her heart had not yet spoken. jfh 30Jul2018.
+++ Don't forget, this was only 15 years after the end of WWII. And we can't expect people in the late '50s and early '60s to be as enlightened as we are now. The Japanese-Americans took a low-profile attitude to rehabilitating themselves in the eyes of the nation that less than a generation before had packed them all off to concentration camps. OLEF641 1/7/21
Toma tells Perry the body was found with both hands clutching the sword; during the hearing, we are told the right hand was holding the sword. What we saw was neither hand on the sword - and a complete lack of blood.
Presumably it was Hudson who tore the pages from the ledger, but this also presumes he knew such a ledger existed and could read Japanese.
When Mitsou lets herself in the store at midnight, we see pearls in the display window. Jewelry stores always remove and secure their stock at closing. DOD 07/25/18
+ Wouldn't Nogata have torn out the pages? If there was a record of two duplicates made, it might have alerted the police/Perry that the original was still out there somewhere. OldDave, 8/27/2020.
++ Actually, Mr. Kamuri's right hand is curled around the hilt of the "sword"; what's lying on the floor by the body is the sheath and you can see by its length that the weapon is too short to be properly called a sword. And Toma says,, " . . his hand still clasping the sword." The 's' of 'still' kinda slurs onto 'hand' before it. OLEF641 1/7/21
Is this the Only episode where
a. a Judge appears in Court Without a Robe (Arraignment scene)?
b. Perry accepts a Fee in Foreign Money (Yen)?
Mike Bedard 7.12.16 MeTV airing.
As in our last episode, Carter’s swimming ensemble treats us to an attractive display of male leg. DOD 10/10/24
Missing scene?: When Burger receives the xray negatives in court he passes by his desk. There on his desk is a huge contraption. No mention is made of this. I'm thinking there was a deleted scene in the final cut. (This is from the DVD.) Kilo 1/31/2019.
+ It appears that the X-rays were taken in court. I expect that the scene was filmed, but during editing, it was realized how absurd such an event was. However they did not want to go to the expense of filming the X-ray discussion scene again without that contraption in the foreground. Submitted by vgy7ujm on 7 July 2020
++ Perhaps the whole x-ray idea was a mistake: I'm no more of a pearl expert than Mr. Burger, but it's hard to believe the only way to differentiate is by this method...I mean, how did they manage for centuries, before x-rays were possible ?? Even if this really is a case of truth stranger than fiction, simply having an expert examine them might have seemed more believable. Notcom, 012122\\Yes, an x-ray is the only way to definitively distinguish between natural and high-quality cultured pearls. Lady Mondegreen 2/4/25
Was it really necessary for Della to tell Gertie that Tragg knows the way to Mason's office? Surely in the (at least) past two years Gertie must have seen Tragg enter Mason's office (regardless of whether the actress was there or not). Wiseguy70005, 1/19/25.