Anomaly: I have not seen anyone comment yet that the "Brent Building," seen in establishing shots just prior to Perry's office door, could not possibly be Perry's building: the Brent Building has vertical exterior framing, but Perry's office has a horizontal balcony that connects to the next office. Submitted by 10yearoldfan, 31 July 2012.
+I've seen it theorized that the shots of the building in the episode show the front of the building while Perry's office is on the unseen rear side. Wiseguy70005, 2/02/25.
The interior geography of the Brent Building is equally mystifying. When Bradbury leaves Perry's office by the back door, he turns right. Depending on the previous episode, this leads either to another office or the outside wall. DOD 08/06/18
Doreen Lang had a small but memorable role in Hitchcock's "The Birds" as the hysterical mother in the diner. DOD 08/06/18
Not a comment, but a question: can anyone identify the establishing shot of Cloverdale at the very beginning? Ed Zoerner, 05/23/2020
I recently re-read TCOT Lucky Legs. Although it is the third book in the series, copyright 1934, my paperback also has a 1931 copyright. Some have speculated it may have actually been the first PM book ESG wrote. Perry sends Della out of his office when he interviews clients. He keeps critical information from her. His relationship with Paul is more businesslike. In fact, at one point, unbeknownst to Paul, Perry hires another Detective Agency to do supplemental work. Perry and JR Bradbury go to a speakeasy, complete with squinty eyes behind a sliding panel. Prohibition was repealed in 1933, so this supports the 1931 theory. In the book, JR Bradbury is a very smart, powerful man. And, for the later paperback versions of the book, ESG wrote an introduction, inviting the reader to compare the contemporary Perry to this earlier version. Well worth a read. Submitted by Bill-W2XOY on 08/27/13.
+Perry keeps info from Paul throughout the novels unlike the TV series where usually Paul knows as much as Perry.
My copy of the novel (purchased in 2015) states:
William Morrow edition published 1934
Pocket Books edition published July 1941
42nd Printing...August 1973
Copyright ©️ 1934 by ESG
Copyright renewed ©️ 1961 by ESG
No mention of 1931. Perhaps it was an error later removed? Wiseguy70005, 2/02/25.
+ Publication Dates: For some lockdown reading, a friend sent me "The Case of the Real Perry Mason," a 1978 biography of ESG. It provides a breathless and detailed account of ESG's legal and writing career, relying on various correspondence with agents and publishers. From these sources it seems the first Mason novel written was TCOT Velvet Claws, in 1933, followed by TCOT Sulky Girl, TCOT Howling Dog and TCOT Lucky Legs. ESG was a restless, ramblin' guy, and was writing from a proto-RV in the California desert, heading into town now and then to drop off and pick up mail. Like The Lone Ranger I guess. Now, as to publication, an index in the book reports that Velvet Claws and Sulky Girl were published in March and September 1933, respectively, followed by Lucky Legs, Howling Dog, and Curious Bride, in February, June, and November 1934. (Dog and Bride were serialized earlier that year in magazines.) It seems that the order of writing and publication could vary as final edits and titles were worked out -- titles were of high importance. In total, ESG wrote 42 stories, novelettes, and books during 1934. Dutifully reported by JohnK, 16 September 2021.
Knock on Wood. Since this episode touches on the craft of woodcutting, it should be noted that the largest piece of woodcutting to appear is Bob Doray himself, at least as portrayed by actor Michael Miller. Miller displays anger by clenching his fists and scowling, and displays other emotions--much less frequently--by unclenching his fists and scowling. Submitted by BobH, 30 September 2016.
+ I found Michael Miller's scowling character portrayal impossible to relate to as a "true bridegroom" figure. He seemed to me to be on the verge on verbal and physical violence at all times. Submitted by catyron on 11/17/17.
++ Especially in his first scene, Miller looks remarkably like a young Dennis Hopper. DOD 08/20/19
+++ Though he is not a very good actor, I think part of Mr. Miller's problem is what my grandmother called "an unfortunate face". His brows are very low, very heavy, and very straight, making him look angry all the time, even when doing his best to be subdued, as when on the stand. OLEF641 1/15/21
++++ “An unfortunate face” indeed. Your grandmother was a most tactful lady. Rickapolis 09/16/21
++-+ IMHO he more resembles and is channeling someone Mr Hopper also idolized at that early time and that is a pre-Festus Ken Curtis. Asta69 11-4-24
One more appearance of Hamilton Burger's hideous bow tie. jfh 07Aug2018.
+It should be noted that for some reason this episode (#84) was held over for a few weeks; it was actually filmed after The Blushing Pearls (#82) and The Garrulous Gambler (#83), two other episodes where Burger wore that tie. Wiseguy70005, 2/02/25.
Della took a shiny black case from Patton's apartment as they were leaving, I didn't see her arrive with that. Maybe something was cut from the syndicated version I watched? --yelocab 26DEC18
+ Mason was carrying the black case when he and Della arrived. JohnK, 21 January 2019
++ It was the case Bradbury left with Perry which contained the documents incriminating Patton. jfh 01Jan2020
+++ You can actually see Perry tossing the case onto the bed after he notices the body; after the examination, Della retrieves it. Wiseguy70005, 2/02/25
Burger has clearly trapped PM, since in fact Mason did see the dead body and failed to report it. (Granted, he saw the police entering, and the police knew he was there, but he still clearly lied.) Before answering for his actions, he unearthed the murderer. But Burger has called him to task in other episodes after the case was over. What was Mason’s defense in this case? Clearly, had he reported the crime to the policeman he wouldn’t have been allowed to leave. jsf 12/13/18
+ Did Perry lie? They told the police officer that they come to see Patton and Della said that no one answered the door---both true statements. I was watching the syndicated version so maybe something was cut. Even if the policeman asked them if they had been in the apartment, they didn't answer the question, which is not lying. --yelocab 26DEC18
++ When PM locked the door when he left, I immediately thought he was tampering with evidence. Whether the door was locked by suspects could be evidence the police could use. Namely, who was the last person in the victim's home? Regardless, did the court ever get back to Burger's accusation? It wasn't in the MeTV version I just saw this morning. Rick P. 9/16/21
+This was a bigger deal in the novel. Bradbury figured it out and attempted to blackmail Perry with the info and announced it to the police. Perry also locked the door using a set of skeleton keys. Perhaps knobs in the 1930s didn't have a lock button as seen in the episode? Wiseguy70005, 2/02/25