After playing a Korean War veteran on PM, Marshall Thompson went on to direct and star in a movie about the Vietnam War. The film, A Yank in Vietnam (1964), was filmed in Vietnam. The co-star was Vietnamese actress Kieu Chinh. She would later play a Korean woman in MASH, the television series about the Korean War. Submitted by MikeM, 1/08/2013
Also a rare episode in which the defendant had the good sense to NOT handle the murder weapon.
Did Sylvia take a cab all the way from Palm Springs?
How did the Ames’ afford such a swank apartment? Surely not from selling those dreadful paintings. DOD 08/23/19
+ Since his sister, Sylvia, was the beneficiary of a trust fund, it wouldn't be altogether unreasonable that it was shared by her brother, Gilbert, or that he was the beneficiary of his own. Just a guess, of course. jfh 07Sep2020
++ Since Sylvia drove her own car to Palm Springs, she likely drove herself back to a nearby location, then called a cab to take her the rest of the way home so her car wouldn’t be seen. When she gets back in the cab, she tells the cabbie to take her "back to Seward Avenue."
> Yes: tho the scene was presumably excised in syndicated versions, Sylvia is shown driving to the cab stand (in fact before getting out she makes use of the visor mirror to apply her "disguise"). Notcom, 020322.
Sylvia and her brother paid all the hospital bills for Mrs. Kirby. They paid for her surgery and sent her money every month! They did everything except tell the police one of them drove the car that struck the woman. Why were they paying blackmail? Submitted by H. Mason 10/27/14
Mrs Kirby’s affidavit makes clear she knew who drove the car. She apparently was satisfied with the financial arrangement and had no interest in notifying the police - seems to me that would be enough to clear the Ames’. DOD 08/23/19
Failure to report an injury-accident is a crime. That plot point did not make sense to me either. They had already done everything to 'make it right' to the victim. Additionally, it seemed that the victim was partially at fault too, for dodging out into the street from between two cars. That is partially what the law is for--to ensure victims are compensated for their loss. Certainly a good lawyer could have cleared things up for them. A prosecutor might have a hard time getting a conviction, considering the circumstances, and the fact that the victim didn't bother bringing the crime to them either. And blackmail is a crime too, add to that, the blackmailer might also be considered an 'accessory after the fact' in helping to hide it. The prosecutor might have better luck going after the blackmailer. --yelocab 30DEC18
Of the 7,109 American POWs held in Korea, app. 3,000 Died in Captivity, a 43% Mortality Rate, according to Mike Bedard 7.18.16
Was Sylvia acquitted just because Harry said he didn't do it?

This may be the only episode of the entire series where the killer, although identified, is not Arrested. Mason meets privately with the killer, gets a confession, then tells Lt. Tragg (standing in the doorway) that it was self defense. Submitted by Bill-W2XOY.
“Fan Dancer’s Horse” ends with Perry’s client acquitted but the actual killer only speculatively identified. DOD 09/21/21
As much as I initially sympathized with Arthur Poe, war hero and victim, he repelled me by the end. His journal depicted him as a warm, compassionate, decent man of courage--yet he sat by, after killing in self-defense and while knowing his time was up anyway, and let Sylvia Sutton suffer through being tried for murder! Sure, he wasn't going to let her be convicted...he says. Ugh. Submitted by JazzBaby, 8/23/2019.
Or WAS it ?? As noted above, both Perry and Tragg seem content to "let it go", presumably based more on Poe's terminal condition than on the (rather self serving) claim of self defense, but in the absence of the former would they - or should they - have been so blase ?? The limits of "self-defense" are currently in the news, and one of the basic precepts is that one cannot claim self-defense if they initiated the conflict: Poe admitted he had violently assaulted the victim, when he later returned and the latter pulled a gun on him, wouldn't that be self -defense ?? Topically, Notcom 090720.