The Case of the Curious Coffee Set

Spotted and first reported by the sharp-eyed Evelyn Erlichster, these rather distinctive coffee cups show up in a variety of situations. The picture above is from #149, TCOT Borrowed Baby, where we see three cups plus what may be a couple of other items from the set, perhaps a sugar bowl and a creamer, at Della's temporary abode.
Seen in (see episode for sighting credit) #85, #91, #99, #104, #105, #107, #108, #109, #118, #119, #121, #127, #137, #141, #143, #145, #142, #149, #152, #161, #162, #168, #175, #180, #182, #188, #189, #190, #193, #198, #201, #207, #208, #215, #219, #226, #230, #232, #240, #243, #254, #262 and #265. Possibly in #112.
The pictures below are from sightings reported by Evelyn unless otherwise noted.
From #99, TCOT Singular Double

Della pours in the office.

Perry and Della chat while Paul dozes off.
From #104, TCOT Nine Dolls

The Osbornes at the restaurant in Geneva.
From #105, TCOT Loquacious Liar

In the office again. Perry talks and Della looks on pensively.

Paul has a cup too.
From #143, TCOT Poison Pen-Pal

Matt Clark in the coffee shop. Paul is to the left.
From #152, TCOT Promoter's Pillbox

At Nelly Lawton's place.
From #262, TCOT Twice-Told Twist

In full living color, Ben Huggins impresses Sra. Reales with his refined manners. Spotted by FredK and reported 12/30/10.
Non-Masonic Sightings
From the TV series I Love Lucy, Season 6, Episode 3, 15 October 1956

Spookily spotted by Evelyn in "Lucy Meets Orson Welles" as Mr. Welles walks into Ricky's club. Picture courtesy YouTube.
From the TV series M Squad
The curious coffee set has been seen a number of times in the 1957 TV series M Squad (IMDb). Spotted by FredK and reported 2/18/11.
From the film Please Murder Me (1956) starring Raymond Burr and Angela Lansbury

Spotted by Evelyn and reported 3/19/11. Picture courtesy YouTube.
From the TV series The Big Valley
"Believe it or not, Barbara Stanwyck and the Barkeley clan were drinking from our favorite cups in an episode. Those cups must have a long history (and be nearly unbreakable) to last from the 1870s into the 1960s." Spotted and reported by FredK 5/9/11.
From the TV series Michael Shane (1960)

Spotted by Evelyn in the episode titled Murder and the Wanton Bride and reported 8/11/11. Picture courtesy YouTube.