The Stanley Mosk Courthouse
The most popular courthouse in the series. It's seen often with Perry on his way into the 111 N. Hill Street entrance on his way to some court action. An odd choice since criminal cases were not heard here. More info at the USC Los Angeles Walking Tour site here.
From the Wikipedia: "The Stanley Mosk Courthouse, which is the main Civil branch of the Los Angeles Superior Court, is located at 111 North Hill Street in Los Angeles and is part of the complex that includes the County of Los Angeles Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration."
Read more about the origins of the courthouse at a site dedicated to Paul Revere Williams, one of the building's architects, here.
The courthouse building runs along West First Street between North Hill Street and North Grand Avenue. There are entrances at 111 North Hill Street and 110 North Grand Avenue. See it on Google Maps here.
Thanks to Eric Cooper for putting a name to this familiar Perry Mason sight.

From episode #71, TCOT Watery Witness.

From #266, TCOT Unwelcome Well, a brief view of the dedication plaque as Perry walks by.

A recent view of the Hill Street side.
Courthouses of San Diego
From #68, TCOT Dubious Bridegroom

The first courthouse seen is the old County Courthouse which was completed in 1889. Unfortunately, we get only a partial view. Emergency egress added later.

A view of the entire building. Read more about it here from whence this picture was lifted.
From #68, TCOT Dubious Bridegroom

The second courthouse seen is also a partial view. This was the San Diego Civic Center at the time of the show. It opened for business in 1938. I don't know if it had a courtroom.

The entire building. Read more about it here. Picture from the San Diego History Center.
Courthouses of Lesser Repute
From #64, TCOT Petulant Partner

Spotted by gracep. Also seen in #45, TCOT Buried Clock. Don't those cars seem a bit old?
From #73, TCOT Blushing Pearls

Just a small place for civil cases. How quaint!
From #80, TCOT Violent Village

Fawnskin has a rather nice courthouse for such a small town.
From #93, TCOT Ominous Outcast

Outcast also has a rather nice courthouse. It can be seen more fully in the opening scene drive-by.
From #107, TCOT Larcenous Lady

Wow! Now that's a courthouse! Note the rather old cars. The same shot is also seen in #55, TCOT Fradulent Foto. Anybody recognize this place? Craig Sundstrom reports that this is the Washoe County Courthouse in Reno, Nevada, and provides this link for more information. Mystery solved! Thanks Craig! Posted 4/23/11.
From #138, TCOT Roving River

Spotted by Eric Cooper, this place is in fact the Santa Monica City Hall which does have some court rooms.