Extras /
From Episode #146, The Case of the Absent Artist
Santa Monica Pier
See the Wikipedia for more information about the Santa Monica Pier.
Looff Hippodrome
The Looff Hippodrome is the home of a famous Carousel. It was built in 1922 and features 44 carved horses.

The Hippodrome as seen in the opening, slightly enhanced for visibility.

The Hippodrome in the 30s. Courtesy Eric Cooper.

The Hippodrome in 2008. Courtesy Eric Cooper.

The Carousel. Courtesy Eric Cooper.
La Monica Ballroom
Seen as Paul and Perry drive to Otto's place.

It's the building with curious roof.

As seen in 2009. Courtesy Eric Cooper.
Otto's Place in Port Harmony

As seen in the episode.

As seen in 2009. Courtesy Eric Cooper.