About This Wiki
Editing the Sections
Editing is easy. Just click the [Edit] link that is found in the upper right corner or in the footer area, below. This will open an editing page in a new window. A simple markup language is used. There are links to more information and a quick editing guide in the box below the [Edit] window. Please enter your name or a handle in the [Author box] and a very brief [Summary] when posting. When finished editing, click [Preview] and scroll down the page a bit to see how it looks. Once you are finished, click [Save], then close the window. Refresh the original page to see your work.
You can use the Wiki Sandbox to practice. Note: You will need a password to edit the Sections. To receive the password, send an email to getperrypass@gmail.com with a few sentences describing how you became interested in the Perry Mason TV series. After reviewing your request, a password will be emailed to you as soon as possible.
The wiki should be a great place for fostering and encouraging a positive online community but unfortunately, occasionally people don’t always have nice things to say. Please share and post within our community with appropriate decorum.
Some Posting Guidelines
- To help build a Wiki community, please enter your name or a handle in the Author box when posting.
- Include a signature (e.g., "Added by Name, 1/23/22" or "Added by Name, 23 January 2022") at the end of Trivia and Comments posts.
- Make Trivia and Comments posts a single paragraph so as to clearly associate the post with the signature.
- Continuation: To add to an existing Trivia or Comment item, add a (space\\) to the end of the last line of the existing item and (+space) on the next line followed by your text and signature. There are many examples.
- Add new Trivia and Comments posts at the bottom of the section to keep the dates (sort of) in order.
- If you are expressing a personal feeling or opinion, it's a Comment. A factual observation is Trivia.

- If you are posting a spoiler, please put it at the very bottom of the Comments section preceded by the spoiler alert image (see Episode 28 for an example). To insert the spoiler alert image, you should copy and paste the following separate line of code at the start of your comment:

- If you change the original Summary text, please add "(Revised)" at the end of the attribution: "From The Perry Mason TV Show Book (Revised)"
- The Credits section should be an accurate copy of the show's credits, leading and trailing, with the exception of the Uncredited Actors subsection. See Episode 1 for an example. See Credits Anomalies for what to do when a credit doesn't match the usage in the show or there's a spelling error in an actor's name.
Episode Page Sections
The user editable parts of the Wiki are located on the Episode Pages. There's an Episode Page for each show. Each Episode Page contains four user editable sections: Summary, Credits, Trivia and Comments.
The Summary section provides a memory-jogging plot description. Included is a description from The Perry Mason TV Show Book. Some of these are quite short. For these shows, a more detailed description would be nice. No spoilers tho! For those, there should be a link to Bill Storrer's synopsis at his PMESG site.
The Credits section, thanks to Charles Richmond, comes with a cast list with links to the IMDb for the actors. The section should be an accurate copy of the show's credits, leading and trailing, with the exception of the Uncredited Actors subsection. See Episode 1 for the format.
The Trivia section is for factual observations or information about the episode. Items should be signed with your author name and dated at the end. Each item should be one paragraph so as to associate it with its author. List items most recent last.
Some trivia naturally falls into categories and should be "tagged" at the beginning in bold. The two initial tags used are Location: for trivia that deals with a real-world location seen in an episode and Anomaly: for an error in the credits (see Credits Anomalies for more information). Including a colon in the tag makes the Wiki Search feature work better.
The Comments section is for opinions and thoughts with, perhaps, even some discussion, like a message board. As with Trivia, items should be signed with your author name and dated at the end. Each item should be one paragraph so as to associate it with its author. List items most recent last.
The exact usage of the sections is up to you, but, it would be best to follow the existing guidelines and format. Keep in mind that anyone can edit the pages. So, if you see something that needs fixing, fix it! But, be polite about it. We'd like to avoid discord. Inappropriate content should/will be deleted.
If you wish to use a picture with a Trivia or Comments item, please post the picture on your website or a photo sharing service and include a link to it in your item using the link markup shown below.
[[http://site/picture.jpg | link text]]
Please don't include the actual picture in the item. Uploading pictures is not supported.
Any changes you make are recorded in the page history along with your author name. While not required, an author name helps with change tracking. You can view any page's change history by clicking the Hist link at the top the page. Using an author name also allows a profile page to be created. You can access profile pages through the User Profiles link in the sidebar. We'll create a profile page when we see your contribution. The page name is automatically made from your author name. If you would like to add some specific content on your profile page, please send it to us at acrodave2@gmail.com.
This is not an open Wiki. While all pages can be edited, all except the Sections and a few other pages require the admin password to edit. New page and group (all pages are part of a group) creation is similarly restricted. This may change in the future. We'll see how it goes. One thing for sure, the Wiki is easy to change and expand in new directions.