Media Page
Provided as a public service for those who no longer can watch the program but wish to refresh their memories. Special thanks to Leah who started this with her interest and for providing the German episode. Special thanks also to Mariali for the Spanish episodes.
For more videos, do a search for "Perry Mason" at YouTube, a service that didn't exist when this page was first created.
Play the theme song clip here (313k) or here (71k).
For Gertie fans, there is a Real Media video clip here (287k) from episode #14, The Case of the Baited Hook. If you need the player, you can get it here.
#1 The Case of the Restless Redhead

Audio clip here (44k). Perry comments to famous movie star Helene Chaney that Riverside is a very interesting place.
#14 The Case of the Baited Hook
Audio clip here (96k). In Spanish here (97k). By posing as a secretary with after-hours work to do, Della gets the janitor to let her into the offices of Tydings and Dawson, investment counselors. Perry arrives soon after and enters Tydings' office. A little later, a nervous Della comes into the office and finds Perry sitting at Tydings' desk.
#17 The Case of the Sun Bather's Diary
Audio clip here (207k). Perry reads about himself in the newspaper. His photo is on the front page with the headline "Prominent Attorney Indicted."
#48 The Case of the Purple Woman
Audio clip here (234k). In Spanish here (234k). Perry, Paul and Della in Perry's office discussing the case. At the end, Paul drops a bomb.
#149 The Case of the Borrowed Baby
Audio clip here (41k). In Spanish here (41k). Della is getting a bottle ready for the title baby and asks Paul for help.
#162 The case of the Weary Watchdog
#162 Der Fall mit der gefälschten Grabfigur
Audio clip here (179k). In German here (167k). Perry and Della are at the Hon. Cee Cee's Mandarin House. She has a problem. Perry asks "Well, can I help?" Della replies "I need twenty-five thousand dollars." He writes her a check.