Pencil Mustache Man
Seen in #1, #6, #9, #10, #11, #12, #21, #23, #24, #25, #27, #31, #32, #34, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #41, #48, #52, #55, #56, #58, #67, #78, #79, #81, #103, #108, #109?, #110, #111, #118, #123, #124, #125, #126, #127, #128, #129, #130, #131, #136, #137, #141, #145, #148, #152, #156, #158, #162, #165, #166, #169, #171, #172, #176, #177, #178, #183, #186, #189, #191, #194, #195, #196, #201, #204, #210, #216, #218, #222, #225, #226, #228, #232, #233, #234, #236, #237, #238, #241, #243, #246, #251, #262, #264, #267, #270 and #271.
From #48, TCOT Purple Woman

Barely in the scene to the left of Perry's arm.
From #56, TCOT Romantic Rogue

Seated aside Stacey Chandler with Little Old Lady in a Hat in the back row.
From #125, TCOT Impatient Partner

Sitting behind and left of Bert Nickols with Little Old Lady in a Hat lurking in the back row at the right.