
Blue Collar Guy

Seen in #1, #3, #5, #13, #17, #56, #62, #68, #70, #75, #97, #113, #137, #143 and #214.

From #1, TCOT Restless Redhead

#1 WIT6011

As the parking attendant for the Brent Building. Those were the days!

From #5, TCOT Sulky Girl

#5 WIT6011

The full shot as gardener.

From #13, TCOT Moth-Eaten Mink

#13 WIT6011

As the cab driver outside Morey's shortly before Dixie Dayton runs out.

From #75, TCO Paul Drake's Dilemma

#75 WIT6011

At night, about to get run down.

From #97, TCOT Credulous Quarry

#97 WIT6011

Another night scene, as an onlooker watching the officers investigate the fake hit-and-run accident.