
"Miss Carmody"

Seen in #38?, #42, #45, #46, #47, #48, #51, #52, #54, #55, #56, #57, #58, #59, #60, #61, #62, #63, #64, #65, #66, #67, #68, #69, #71, #72, #73, #74, #75, #76, #77, #82 #83, #91, #96, #97, #98, #99, #100, #102, #103, #104, #105, #106, #108, #109, #110, #111, #112, #113, #116, #118, #119, #121, #122, #123, #124, #125, #127, #129, #130, #136, #139, #148, #149, #155, #157, #158, #160, #166, #169, #170, #171, #173, #174, #176, #177, #178, #179, #187, #189, #191, #194, #196, #200, #206, #213, #224, #240, #247, #248, #252, #254, #255, #256, #257, #258, #260, #262, #263, #269 and #271.

From #73, TCOT Blushing Pearls

#73 WIT6014

Just brought into the courtroom by the bailiff, standing near the door.

From #83, TCOT Prudent Prosecutor

#83 WIT6014

Seated in the front row behind Lt. Tragg with Cute Young Lady on the right.

From #91, TCOT Madcap Modiste

#91 WIT6014

Sitting behind the prosecution in the front row.

From #112, TCOT Wintry Wife

#12 WIT6014 #12 WIT6014

Left: On the prosecution side talking to some guy. Right: In the final scene as a waitress.

From #119, TCOT Violent Vest

#119 WIT6014

As the secretary-receptionist at the Caffrey-Ennicks Advertising Agency giving Perry the eye and a smile.

From #129, TCOT Meddling Medium

#129 WIT6014

In the back row to the left of Mr. Craig with "Sasha Magaloff" on the right.