
From The Perry Mason TV Show Book (Revised)
Rick Scott runs a mining business that was turned over to him when his uncle Harvey went into retirement. But Rick, injured in an accident, has been out of touch lately, recuperating in Acapulco. Suddenly, Uncle Harvey wants to regain control of the company, and he wants Rick out of the way. That’s why Harvey is paying Rick’s nurse, Joanna, to keep him “occupied” in Mexico—a situation Joanna likes (although she denies it vehemently and never acts unprofessionally), because deep down she’s in love with Rick.

Rick’s brother tips him off that Harvey is up to something, and gets him to come back to Los Angeles by ship, with Joanna, for a stockholders’ meeting. The ship arrives, but Rick disappears. When Joanna lands in jail after finding Uncle Harvey dying of blows to the head, Perry must come to the rescue.