
Continuity Error: Watch the briefcase in the opening sequence. Clem puts it on the desk with the handle facing towards the desk chair. When next seen, the briefcase has magically turned around, ready for Clem to fill it with money. Submitted by daveb, 11/25/2007.

Speaking of briefcases, has anyone studied the different briefcases in this, or other episodes? I didn't see Perry use his briefcase in this one, but I'm curious about the make and style of Perry's briefcase as well. Otto Gervaert 12/21/20.

When Sandy frantically closed the safe in the office after placing the $45,000 inside, he left the safe handle pointing southeast and hid just as Mr. Sellers and the security drivers entered; as Mr. Sellers opens the safe, the handle is pointing straight down. jfh 07Nov2016.

Mr. Sellers places the $45,000 in the secured pouch for transport, yet when he walks to the door with the security drivers, the pouch appears completely flat. jfh 07Nov2016

Location: The interior seen in the opening is that of the Bradbury Building. The large center opening has been used in many show shots. Show picture and more here. Submitted by Mitch English, 1/11/2006.
+ As noted above, the famous Bradbury Building is used to great effect in this episode. Perhaps the most recent use of the Bradbury Building in film is in 2011's The Artist, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture. There is a symbolic scene in The Artist in which Peppy runs into George on her way up the Bradbury staircase (and to stardom), while George is on his way down. Stuart Erwin's stairway descent is also effectively used as symbolism in this episode of Perry Mason. Submitted by Fifty-Niner on 23 April 2012.
+ Thank you, Mitch and Fifty-Niner. The minute i saw that interior, i knew i had seen it before, but i figured i would never find out where it was. This website -- and folks like you two -- make watching the series a lot more fun. Submitted by catyron, April 22, 2018.

Uncredited Actors: Don Anderson appears as one of the uniformed armored car guards who pick up the money that the frantic Sandy Sandover barely manages to return to his office. Submitted by FredK, 25 Oct 2010.

Sightings: Sitting in the back row of the courtroom gallery, “Miss Carmody” takes in another triumph for Perry. Read about her and other recurring spectators. Submitted by gracep, 1/10/2011. - You can also add the “Little Old Lady in the Hat”, “Quiet Old Man” and “Pencil Mustache Man” to the list of courtroom spectators. Submitted by Kenmore 1/03/2012

Joan Staley was the centerfold Playmate for November, 1958. See here (SFW). She retired following a horse-riding accident a few years after filming this episode. Submitted by CGraul, 8/18/2011.
+ CGraul's link takes you to a copy of her actual centerfold, but as CGraul says, it is Safe For Work because centerfolds weren't particularly revealing in 1958. What I find interesting about the picture is that there is a tv camera in the background, with the CBS Eye logo on it! Perry Mason, on CBS, is the only credit IMDB lists for Joan for 1958, TCOT Corresponding Corpse! In her centerfold, Joan's holding what looks like a script with a title on the front--her Perry Mason script? Wouldn't that be fabulous? But i can't read the title. Submitted by DyNama, 1/20/2015
+ Safe For Work ?? I don't know where CGraul or DyNama work, but please, please tell me they're hiring !! Seriously though, it's hard to believe she would have posed at only 18 - if IMDB is correct - as 21 was then the common age of majority...particularly for something like "calendar art". Submitted by Notcom, 020216.
+ Until I read DyNama's comment I hadn't even noticed the camera! A very attractive camera, too. Rickapolis 05/04/17

Here's another example of the fur coat rule. "Sally" (Joan Staley) had a mink coat and by gawd she wasn't going to take it off! Maybe courthouses don't have a coat check. Submitted by DyNama, 1/7/2014
+ Her having in on during her testimony - or more precisely as she's returning to the gallery after testifying - actually forms an element of the plot. Notcom, 042120.
++ Nit picker alert! Sally's fur is a stole, not a coat. OLEF641 5/5/21
+++AH HA! The OG start of the Varmit Count. Asta69 2-20-25

CARS. (1) Santa Fe Diesel Locomotive Number 20, a General Motors EMD F3 in ATSF's Warbonnet paint scheme, hauls Clem Sandover's train to Phoenix with the help of three B-units. No 20 was built in November 1946. Her sister, No 19, had a little accident in 1948. A full-scale reproduction of No 19 is seen in Rex Rexroth's bedroom in the 2003 Coen Brothers movie Intolerable Cruelty ("Santa Fe tarts" scene).

The dialogue tells us that Clem has a car but we don't get to see it. I bet it's a Rambler Six. Added by Gary Woloski, 6/21/13.

It's for you, Mr. Mason: Perry's questioning Mr. Banks in his office when his secretary, Sally, interrupts; there's a call for the counselor at her desk. Paul Drake has tracked him down again. Submitted by francis, 11/13/14.

Della's Impersonation: Miss Street wore a blonde wig while sitting at a bar and let Mr. Banks think she was Sally Adams. The dialog seemed to indicate that she also pretended to be Sally in a telephone call to Mr. Banks. Submitted by H. Mason 12/18/14
+ see Comments section below
Paul's car phone: For the second time Paul was shown using the phone in his car. First time was episode 107 TCOT Larcenous Lady. Submitted by H. Mason 12/18/14

This is the first of five PM directing credits for Allen H. Miner...MikeM. 11/7/2016

This is the fourth of four PM appearances for Joan Staley, who got the Staley name from her marriage to Charles Staley...MikeM. 2/13/2017

That last bill falling from the briefcase can be seen to actually fall from above the briefcase. Noticed by Kilo 1/30/2020.

Sandy's $201 grand would be nearly $1.75 million in 2021 money. OLEF641 5/5/21

During the trial, Tragg mentions that "bundles of greenbacks" were discovered in Beth Sandover's dressing room. Burger asks, "How much did that amount to in money?", to which Tragg replies, "$201,000". Greenbacks? jfh 20Feb2025