At the beginning of the show as Fred Bushmiller is walking up Lorna Thomas' driveway, he walks right past the same Edsel automobile that Marie Chapman drove in the previous episode. Submitted by PaulDrake 33.
Location: Yet another episode with some exterior scenes filmed at what looks like Malibou Lake. See the The Lakes for more. Submitted by daveb, 9/2/2009.
Location: The area of the lakeside cottage Perry stayed at in “TCOT Angry Mourner” was reused in this episode. When Della arrives, driving Perry's Cadillac, at the cottage in “Angry Mourner”, note the pylon/lightpost near the water with the curious top that reminds one of a lighthouse; also the surrounding low wall. In this episode, when Perry and Della talk with Raeburn at the waterside, the same pylon is visible. So the site was reused. If someone takes a boat-ride around Malibou Lake today perhaps they might identify this pylon—if it still exists. Submitted by billp, 3 June 2011.
The pylon is still there. I found it on a Zillow listing,3 Submitted by JGafford, 14 September 2020.
+ The cottage/cabin also turns up in “TCOT Angry Dead Man.” By the way, I wonder if that bag of cement is still there? Submitted by billp, 9 June 2011.
Sightings: A recurring courtoom spectator, affectionately known as the Little Old Lady in a Hat can be seen shifting behind Hamilton Burger as he chuckles at a remark made by a witness. Later she is seen behind Mr. Briggs. Another one known as Quiet Old Man (#1) appears sitting near the aisle as Paul Drake brings in a witness. As for a third spectator, Distinguished Gentleman #1, we can barely see him in the back row, behind Burger. More about these recurring spectators here. Submitted by gracep 9/8/2010.
+“Miss Carmody” can be seen at the right end of the first row of the gallery at the end of the episode when the Clarks are embracing. Submitted by alan_sings 3 Oct 2010.
+ The Thin Man appears as the police photographer at the murder scene. Submitted by alan_sings 9 Oct 2010.
+ Both Distinguished Lady #2 and Quiet Old Man #2 sit in the back row of the courtroom gallery, and they look very astonished and turn their heads when some shocking testimony is given. Submitted by gracenote, 8/8/2011.
++I believe this episode marks the first appearance of our Cute Young Lady, sitting all the way on the right side of the gallery. Her hair style evolves into a more flattering coif in later episodes. JohnK, 28 Dec. 2018
+++In fact, “Miss Carmody” and "Little Old Lady #2" can be seen in the back row of the gallery on the defense side--looking shocked when Raeburn testifies that Betty Clark might be Lorna's daughter. It's quite a gathering of our favorites, with Distinguished Lady #2 and Quiet Old Man #2 seated in the same row, as noted above. Submitted by JazzBaby, 8/19/2019.
Uncredited Actors: Strong and silent Sgt. Brice (Lee Miller) turns up at the scene of the crime. Submitted by gracenote, 8/8/2011.
CARS. (1) 1959 Edsel Corsair 2-Door HardTop, light color body w/med color roof, parked at Lorna Thomas Lake Club.
- (2) 1959 Edsel Corsair Convertible, 2-door, med color body w/white top up, parked at Lorna Thomas's mansion.
- (3) 1957 Ford Thunderbird, Fred Bushmiller, Lic No KGL 884, med color, top down.
- (4) Perry's black 1959 Ford Fairlane 500 Galaxie Skyliner, top down.
. . . and YES: Ford really did put all those tags on Perry's car! Added by Gary Woloski, 7/28/12.
This episode receives the syndication chop really bad. While watching the show 1/25/2012 on MY212 Harrisburg PA the very start of the show is removed. We never see Malcolm Atterbury & Fay Wray arguing as alluded to in the scene by
the pool & later in court!! Added by GeoffS 1/26/2012.
+ There are some inconsistent edits in the original episode as well: at 24:31 Raeburn is shown holding his glasses chest-high and a newspaper. When the shot changes to a close-up the hand holding his glasses is below his waist and the newspaper shifts position; in Perry's office Paul is standing behind Perry in the long shots but in front in the close-ups and at 37:46 when the shot switches to a close-up, Drake's arms move from hanging straight down to folded at the wrists. His gaze shifts from looking in Perry's direction to directly at Smith and his body position turns toward Smith instantly as well. Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 5/5/13.
++ Yes, even in 2020 on FETV they used the same chop of the beginning boat scene etc...Submitted by HamBurger, 12/17/2020
+++ If you mean the scene where the two of them are fighting on a boat in the middle of the lake, he falls overboard, she speeds off in the boat, then another man rows out and pulls him out, it was shown tonight, January 4, 2021, on METV. OLEF641 1/4/21
++++ I just watched this on Xfinity Demand, and I could not figure out its title. The whole boat scene was chopped! I had hoped these showings would be largely whole. Darn. Rick P 9/1/21
+++++ Actually most syndication cuts USUALLY start with the fight on the boat scene, but the actual beginning of this episode on the DVD has Fred Bushmiller driving up in that thunderbird and peeking in the windows of the house before the rowboat rescue he does. Submitted by HamBurger, 1/19/2023
In-Joke? Actor Ned Glass gets to say his name in the episode. When describing Lorna's jewelry his character Smith says "Junk. Glass. Paste." Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 5/5/13.
Parts of Bernard Herrmann's score for the pilot episode of The Twilight Zone "Where Is Everybody?" (broadcast only a week earlier than "The Watery Witness") can be heard at 2:01, 27:34 and 48:37. Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 5/5/13.
Kathryn Card appeared ten times as Lucy Ricardo's mother on the half-hour and hour versions of I Love Lucy. She also appeared earlier in 1959 in the Perry Mason episode "The Case of the Deadly Toy." Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 5/6/13.
Choked: This story had the second consecutive murder by strangulation. It is the second episode of the third season. Were the writers trying to balance the totals? There was only one victim known to have been strangled in the first 69 episodes (#56 - third victim in TCOT Romantic Rogue). Note: there were a few murders in those 69 stories (about 6) where the method was not mentioned. Submitted by H. Mason 10/23/14
+The production order (always important when discussing production issues) shows that there three episodes filmed between the first two aired episodes (#81 and #85). Beginning with the third season the production numbers can be found at the end of the closing credits. The aired order is usually irrelevant. Wiseguy70005, 2/09/25.
This is the first of four PM directing credits for Richard Kinon...MikeM. 10/14/2016
Wardrobe: After last episode's ill-considered paisley patio dress, Della's wardrobe almost returns to the type of office clothing she has been wearing for the past two seasons -- but at one point she has to adjust her dress herself, just before Tragg tells Perry and her to leave the room. It's an extremely awkward esmoment for the normally poised Barbara Hale ... and, surprise! this episode has no credited Costume or Wardrobe personnel at all! Submitted by catyron 11/4/17
+ Speaking of wardrobe, when Fred Bushmiller enters Lorna Thomas' house he's wearing a solid colored coat and bow tie. But when he leaves to get in his car he's wearing a plaid coat and a regular tie. Submitted by Kilo 5/3/2018.
+I believe that Bushmiller's change of attire from when he enters the Thomas' house to going to the car can be explained. From the conversation and the way the scene ends, it appears some time has passed before he gets to the car. I believe that at least a few hours has passed for him to get his things, move in, change, and then go to the car. Perhaps even a day or two. Submitted by Kenmore 8/10/2021
This is the first of two PM appearances for Charles J. Conrad (Judge). According to IMDb, Charles Conrad was a CA Assembly Republican legislator starting in 1947 and continuing until 1972. He represented the south end of the San Fernando Valley, where many movie stars lived. This may account for him getting uncredited movie roles starting in 1949. His first credited acting role was on the television series "I Led 3 Lives" in 1955. Charles Conrad passed in 1998, at the age of 88...MikeM. 7/26/2018