There seem to be a lot of convertibles in this episode. As a matter of fact, when Roger Porter goes to the mountain cabin to wait for Howard Walters, he has the top of his convertible down despite the fact that it is late January, snow and ice are on the ground, and it presently begins to snow. Submitted by PaulDrake 33, 25 August 2009.
Patricia Barry makes her first of three appearances on Perry here playing Janice Atkins. She would also appear in “TCOT Grumbling Grandfather” and “TCOT Velvet Claws.” Each time she would be essentially the same character—a conniving, double-crossing, back-stabbing, untrustworthy female. In “TCOT Velvet Claws,” she even double crosses Perry. Patricia Barry was married for 50 years to the son of Phillip Barry, who wrote The Philadelphia Story (1940). Submitted by PaulDrake 33, 25 August 2009.
+ Patricia Barry was perrrfect in her role as 'Mitchell' ("Alright, call me Daphne, if you can do it with a straight face.") in the 1964 movie Dear Heart starring Glenn Ford, Geraldine Page, and Angela Lansbury. jfh 23Dec2023
Bad Guys Finish Last: While she may have played the nastiest of defendants, Patricia Barry was always gorgeous. She died October 12, 2016 at age 93. JohnK, 16 October 2016
Eight words (Am I? Can I? Isn't he? Why not?) delivered in a coy, yet seductive tone were all it took to become the show's consummate femme fatale; and gorgeous indeed...she was already nearly forty when Frantic Flyer was filmed. Remembered by Notcom, 102916.
+ Patricia Barry is the consummate embodiment of the unpleasant, supposedly seductive women clients Perry defends in the original novels. She was perfect for her role in VELVET CLAWS. I find her "femme fatale" act utterly devoid of appeal, just as I find ESG's depiction of "sexy" women in the books unconvincing. As much as I love ESG, I'm always left wondering what Perry ever found attractive about any of those women. Ditto re Patricia Barry. Plenty of truly sexy bad girls appear on the series, luckily! Submitted by JazzBaby, 8/23/2019.
+ and some very attractive "toy boys", too!
Two co-stars in this episode, Simon Oakland and Virginia Vincent (who play Mr. and Mrs. Walters) also starred together in the movie I Want to Live! released two years before “TCOT Frantic Flyer” was first broadcast. Submitted by gracenote, 9/21/2010.
+ Among his 158 IMDb credits, SO appeared in TCOT Misguided Missile, 3 IRONSIDEs, 4 Quincys, 5 Hawaii 5-0s & 36 Black Sheep Squadrons. Mike Bedard 7.18.16
Most will remember Oakland as Steve McQeen's boss in "Bullitt". DOD 08/09/18
It's fair to say that many will remember Simon Oakland as the psychiatrist who explains Norman's behavior at the end of the Hitchcock classic "Psycho". Also, Oakland played the perpetually irritated Tony Vinchenzo on the short-lived series "Kolchak". Submitted by Kenmore 6/03/2022
+Simon Oakland also had a recurring role on The Rockford Files (3 appearances) as a fellow private eye, one episode in which he appeared with Tom Sellick in his recurring role as another fellow private eye. Curiously, Oakland made another appearance in one of the final episodes as a different character in a backdoor pilot for a series that thankfully was never made. Wiseguy70005, 2/23/25.
Sightings: Many of our old friends are in the courtoom today (perhaps they couldn’t make it out to the Sierras in the previous episode). Distinguished Gentleman #1 watches from the back row. After some absence, Pencil Mustache Man has graced us with his presence. A bit later we see the Quiet Old Man #1 and the beloved Little Old Lady in a Hat on the prosecutor‘s side, and then they reappear on the defendant’s side when the hearing reconvenes. Read about these and other regulars here. Submitted by gracenote, 9/20/2010.
+It's a full house! The first day in court, "Distinguished Gentleman #2" sits in the front row of the defense side. "Distinguished Lady #2" and "Miss Carmody" sit right behind Janice Atkins. Later, at the Vista Valley Motel, we catch a very brief glimpse of Paul's operative there, who looks like he could very well be "The Thin Man". Submitted by JazzBaby, 8/23/2019.
++Let's not forget our Cute Young Lady, who sits on the defense side of the gallery, done up in a sleek coiffure. JohnK, 20 October 2023
Uncredited Actors: Don Anderson can be seen scowling as a bailiff. Submitted by gracenote, 9/20/2010.
Location: About 2 and a half minutes into the episode we see a quick shot down Hollywood Blvd. toward the famous corner of Hollywood and Vine. If you look closely you can see the Pantages Theater sign. The Pantages is an art deco theater and has many popular shows. Submitted by Eric Cooper 4 February 11.
Location: The Pantages would also be well known to all of PM's actors too.It would be the location for that year's Academy Awards as it had been for the prior decade. Submitted by Phil A May 23, 2018
Location: About 17:45 into this episode we see an exterior shot of Park La Brea Towers just as we did 2 episodes early in episode #79. This time it doubles for the Highland Apts. Submitted by Eric Cooper, 4 February 2011.
CARS. Cars (1), (4) & (5) are all visible in the screenshot at the top of this page.
- (1) Ruth Walters's black 1959 Ford Thunderbird Convertible, Lic No PXY 260, top down. This is the exact same car that Paul Drake drives in several other episodes this Season 3.
- (2) Roger Porter's white 1959 Buick LeSabre Convertible, top down (also appears in other episodes this season).
- (3) Perry's black 1959 Ford Fairlane 500 Galaxie Skyliner, top down.
- (4) A 1959 Plymouth Savoy four-door Sedan, Police B&W, below the "L" in "MOTEL" in screenshot.
- (5) A black 1959 Buick Electra 225 4-Door Hardtop (FlatTop roof, Panoramic rear window) parked beyond Police B&W in screenshot at top of page. Probably Lt Tragg's, see Comment below.
Background at Valley Vista Motel:
- (a) A medium-color 1959 Buick 4-door Sedan parked to far-left of Tragg's Electra 225 in screenshot and a
- (b) white 1957 Oldsmobile 4-door HardTop parked beyond Car(a), Perry's 2nd visit to motel.
Added by Gary Woloski 7/22/12.
Goof: After 4:34, Ruth Walters is seen driving her husband Howard to the air field. Isn't it a bit unsettling to see the curves in the road wind left and right behind the car while Ruth holds the steering wheel straight? Her car wanders into the oncoming lane, returns to her own side of the road, and then pulls out again to pass another car -- all without Ruth moving the wheel. Submitted by 10yearoldfan, 25 August 2012.
Goof: The beginning of this episode takes place in January which explains the snowfall. Then the episode shifts seven weeks later to March. However, on the wall in the offices of Taylor Maid Markets there is clearly a calendar indicating it is July/August 1959, undoubtedly when the episode was filmed. Moreover, Perry Mason's office calendar states it is Tuesday, March 16, which places the events in either 1954 or 1965, but NOT 1959! Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 5/25/13.
+ Caught My Eye: Is there a partner in the business named "Maid"? I wonder why the writers chose that spelling rather than the more obvious "Made" to mimic the idea of custom tailored investments, etc. jfh 22Aug2019.
There is an unseen character named "Andrew Taylor" in this episode. Just one month after this episode aired a more famous "Andrew Taylor" appeared on Make Room for Daddy, played, of course, by Andy Griffith. This would be the pilot episode of The Andy Griffith Show which would premiere the following season. Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 5/25/13.
Shank's Pony: When Howard comes to in Zack Davis's cabin, the prospector tells Howard that the only way out before the spring thaw is "Shank's Pony", meaning "on your own two legs". jfh 22Aug2019.
The ubiquitous Bernard Herrmann-composed music from the pilot episode of The Twilight Zone, "Where Is Everybody?" pops up again in this episode at 7:37 and 8:05 while Walters descends in the parachute. Immediately after, when Walters lands through the scene where it begins snowing (and again at the end of the courtroom scene after Perry unmasks the killer), stock music from The Twilight Zone episode "The Hitchhiker" can be heard. Much of this music was also composed by Herrmann for the radio broadcasts of "The Hitchhiker" in the 1940s. Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 5/25/13.
Merced Airport answers the distress call. Howard Walters tells them his flight plan was Fresno to Portland....MikeM. 7/22/2016
+ Tonopah or Bust !!(he got the bust) Not sure if it falls to the level of "goof" or not, but Walters' route is hardly what would be expected for a Fresno-Portland trip, one which would logically follow the Central Valley, NOT veer over the Sierras (and deep enough into them to encounter months-long snow cover). Of course as viewers we understand the reason, but in reality investigators would be not suspicious...Notcom, 11/22/17.
Wikipedia says that "tough guy" Simon Oakland was a concert violinist. Oakland's Wiki page contains a copy of his death certificate...MikeM. 7/22/2016
YouTube presentation of the stock music used in this episode, featuring Bernard Herrmann. Link immediately below:
Submitted August 21, 2016 by filmscorerundowns:
This is the third of three PM appearances for Virginia Vincent, who played Betty on thirteen episodes of The Joey Bishop Show sitcom...MikeM. 10/28/2016
This is the third of four PM writing credits for Robert Bloomfield...MikeM. 7/28/2017
At the end of the scene with Carol Taylor in Mason's office (around 15:45), the action segues to a new scene in Wade Taylor's office, but before the scene completely changes, Raymond Burr opens his mouth with more dialogue that was evidently cut out before the original broadcast. Wiseguy70005, 2/23/25.