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Actors Lists
Philip Abbott (* as Phillip Abbott)
- Edmond Aitken in the Envious Editor #108 1/7/61 *
- Harry Grant in the Wrongful Writ #240 5/6/65
John Abbott
- Prof. Carlos Muntz in the Bogus Books #154 9/27/62
- Dr. Durwood Tobey in the Laughing Lady #242 9/12/65
Joe Abdullah
- Mack Fried in the Silent Partner #6 10/26/57
Bettye Ackerman
- Amy Reid in the Thermal Thief #227 1/14/65
- Laura Brandon in the Positive Negative #269 5/1/66
Casey Adams (* also listed as Max Showalter)
- Carl Reynolds in the Curious Bride #44 10/18/58
- Burt Stokes in the Wandering Widow #101 10/22/60
- Frank Logan in the Malicious Mariner #127 10/7/61
- Clarence Henry in the Lawful Lazarus #174 3/14/63 *
- Talbot Sparr in the Ugly Duckling #211 5/21/64 *
- Charles Judd in the Deadly Debt #236 4/1/65 *
Dorothy Adams
- Betsy Burris in the Angry Mourner #7 11/2/57
- Wilma Stone in the Loquacious Liar #105 12/3/60
Julie Adams
- Valerie Comstock in the Lover's Leap #176 4/4/63
- Janice Barton in the Deadly Verdict #185 10/3/63
- Janice Blake in the Missing Button #212 9/24/64
- Patricia L. Kean in the Fatal Fortune #243 9/19/65
Peter Adams
- Arthur Fargo in the One-eyed Witness #23 2/22/58
- Ned Thompson in the Impatient Partner #125 9/16/61
Richard Adams
- Jaygee in the Travelling Treasure #131 11/4/61
Stanley Adams
- Pancho Morado in the Missing Button #212 9/24/64
Wesley Addy
- Alton Brent in the Weary Watchdog #162 11/29/62
- Joachim DeVry in the Tsarina's Tiara #264 3/20/66
Jay Adler
- Herman in the Ugly Duckling #211 5/21/64
Max Adrian
- Ralph Jennings in the Deadly Toy #66 5/16/59
John G. Agar
- Kenneth Baxter in the Caretaker's Cat #58 3/7/59
Richard Aherne
- Dr. Norris in the Rolling Bones #39 6/28/58
Philip Ahn
- James Wong in the Weary Watchdog #162 11/29/62
Charles Aidman
- Arthur Siddons in the Gallant Grafter #84 2/6/60
Claude Akins
- Phillip Dix in the Half-Wakened Wife #26 3/15/58
Keith Alan
- Officer Boom in the Runaway Corpse #10 11/23/57
Frank Albertson
- Duck Hunter in the Prudent Prosecutor #83 1/30/60
Mabel Albertson
- Carrie Wilson in the Hateful Hero #158 10/18/62
Hardie Albright
- Supervisor Albert Johnson in the Resolute Reformer #109 1/14/61
- Jones in the Travelling Treasure #131 11/4/61
Chris Alcaide
- Jerry Morrow in the Shattered Dream #51 1/3/59
- Gus Wiler in the Lurid Letter #163 12/6/62
Norm Alden
- Darrel Reed in the Deadly Toy #66 5/16/59
Mari Aldon
- Anne Brent in the Gilded Lily #34 5/24/58
Frank Aletter
- Harry Collins in the Skeleton's Closet #179 5/2/63
- Tommy Towne in the Arrogant Arsonist #202 3/5/64
Tommy Alexander
- John in the Decadent Dean #186 10/24/63
Corey Allen
- Rennie Foster in the Red Riding Boots #106 12/10/60
- Lester Menke in the Borrowed Baby #149 4/14/62
Lynne Allen
- Louise Dayton in the Petulant Partner #64 4/25/59
Tom Allen
- Police Officer in the Positive Negative #269 5/1/66
Jean Allison
- Helen Slade in the Blind Man's Bluff #114 3/11/61
Elvia Allman
- Mrs. Forbes in the Crying Cherub #89 4/9/60
- Julia Slovak in the Brazen Bequest #135 12/2/61
William Allyn
- Wally Harper in the Flighty Father #95 6/11/60
- Robert Haskell in the Brazen Bequest #135 12/2/61
- David Pinter in the Potted Planter #180 5/9/63
- Elliot Forrest in the Telltale Tap #229 2/4/65
John Alonzo
- Guitterez in the Prudent Prosecutor #83 1/30/60
John Alvin
- Sam Walsh in the Hesitant Hostess #29 4/5/58
- Bank Teller in the Gallant Grafter #84 2/6/60
- Manager in the Crying Comedian #128 10/14/61
- Bank Teller in the Bogus Books #154 9/27/62
Allyson Ames
- Rita Jasper in the Mischievous Doll #241 5/13/65
Shelley Ames
- Grace Witt in the Decadent Dean #186 10/24/63
Judith Ames
- Marian Shaw in the Black-eyed Blonde #37 6/14/58
Cindy Ames
- Secretary in the Injured Innocent #133 11/18/61
Dusty Anders
- Betty Clark in the Watery Witness #71 10/10/59
Irene Anders
- Elevator Operator in the Duplicate Case #238 4/22/65
- Matron in the Laughing Lady #242 9/12/65
Merry Anders
- Adele Bentley in the Blind Man's Bluff #114 3/11/61
- Sadie Hepner in the Glamorous Ghost #142 2/3/62
- Joyce Carlton in the Garrulous Go-Between #203 3/12/64
Carol Anderson
- Model in the Long-Legged Models #33 5/17/58
- The Model in the Married Moonlighter #46 11/8/58
- Model No. 4 in the Badgered Brother #193 12/19/63
Richard Anderson
- Edward Lewis in the Accosted Accountant #195 1/9/64
- Jason Foster in the Paper Bullets #213 10/1/64
Mary Anderson
- Arlene Scott in the Rolling Bones #39 6/28/58
John Anderson
- George Andrews in the Calendar Girl #63 4/18/59
- Bud Ferrand in the Bartered Bikini #77 12/5/59
- Dan O'Malley in the Greek Goddess #178 4/18/63
Herbert Anderson
- Eugene Milton in the Fraudulent Foto #55 2/7/59
James Anderson
- Peter Handsell in the Vagabond Vixen #9 11/16/57
- Frank Anderson in the Pint-Sized Client #42 10/4/58
- Stan Piper in the Ill-Fated Faker #98 10/1/60
Don Anderson
- Policeman in the Silent Partner #6 10/26/57
- Attorney in the Bartered Bikini #77 12/5/59
- Bartender in the Scandalous Sculptor #214 10/8/64
Keith Andes
- Dave Weaver in the Skeleton's Closet #179 5/2/63
- Dr. Jesse Young in the Illicit Illusion #206 4/9/64
E. J. Andre
- Druggist in the Tragic Trophy #220 11/19/64
Carol Andreson
- Margo Stevens in the Lonely Eloper #153 5/26/62
Richard Angarola
- Campbell Boyd in the Sausalito Sunrise #260 2/13/66
Heather Angel
- Florence Ingle in the Lucky Loser #41 9/27/58
Morris Ankrum
- Judge Hoyt in the Nervous Accomplice #3 10/5/57
- Judge in the Demure Defendant #16 1/4/58
- Judge in the Green-eyed Sister #21 2/8/58
- Judge Cameron in the Screaming Woman #30 4/26/58
- Judge in the Prodigal Parent #36 6/7/58
- Judge Morrisey in the Rolling Bones #39 6/28/58
- Judge Cadwell in the Lucky Loser #41 9/27/58
- Judge Bates in the Borrowed Brunette #52 1/10/59
- Judge in the Stuttering Bishop #59 3/14/59
- Judge in the Deadly Toy #66 5/16/59
- Judge in the Garrulous Gambler #72 10/17/59
- Trial Judge in the Startled Stallion #74 10/31/59
- Judge in the Madcap Modiste #91 4/30/60
- Judge in the Singular Double #99 10/8/60
- Judge in the Provocative Protege #103 11/12/60
- Judge in the Waylaid Wolf #111 2/4/61
- Judge in the Captain's Coins #140 1/13/62
- Judge in the Polka Dot Pony #165 12/20/62
- Judge in the Lawful Lazarus #174 3/14/63
- Judge in the Wednesday Woman #194 1/2/64
- Judge in the Antic Angel #207 4/16/64
- Judge in the Sleepy Slayer #215 10/15/64
- Norma Vickers in the Velvet Claws #175 3/21/63
- Teddy Bear #1 in the Golden Girls #255 12/19/65
Michael Ansara
- Vince Kabat in the Antic Angel #207 4/16/64
John Archer
- Frank Maddox in the Sleepwalker's Niece #2 9/28/57
- Major Frank Lessing in the Sardonic Sergeant #43 10/11/58
- J. R. Bradbury in the Lucky Legs #79 12/19/59
- Burt Farwell in the Red Riding Boots #106 12/10/60
- Harry Arnold in the Candy Queen #244 9/26/65
Dee Arlen
- Lorna Grant in the Treacherous Toupee #96 9/17/60
Richard Arlen
- Dr. Harrison in the Misguided Missile #120 5/6/61
Roxanne Arlen
- Mae Nolan in the Moth-Eaten Mink #13 12/14/57
- Bonnie Mae in the Jealous Journalist #124 9/2/61
Russell Arms
- Everett Dorrell in the Credulous Quarry #97 9/24/60
- Roger Correll in the Greek Goddess #178 4/18/63
- Reed Kavanaugh in the Vanishing Victim #258 1/23/66
R. G. Armstrong
- Matthew Bartlett in the Black-eyed Blonde #37 6/14/58
- Harry Bright in the Petulant Partner #64 4/25/59
- John Gregory in the Stand-In Sister #161 11/15/62
Robert Armstrong
- Walter Haskell in the Sardonic Sergeant #43 10/11/58
- Capt. Bancroft in the Malicious Mariner #127 10/7/61
- Jimmy West in the Playboy Pugilist #156 10/11/62
- Phil Jenks in the Accosted Accountant #195 1/9/64
Virginia Arness
- Sylvia Nelson in the Gallant Grafter #84 2/6/60
Phil Arnold
- Apartment Manager in the Screaming Woman #30 4/26/58
- Smitty in the Shapely Shadow #139 1/6/62
- Mechanic in the Midnight Howler #257 1/16/66
Indus Arthur
- Nancy Bryant in the Telltale Tap #229 2/4/65
- Barbara Kramer in the Dead Ringer #267 4/17/66
Maureen Arthur
- Vera Jordan in the Dodging Domino #159 10/25/62
Phil Arthur
- Si Farrell in the Grumbling Grandfather #122 5/27/61
- Ralph Townley in the Injured Innocent #133 11/18/61
- Joe Billings in the Mischievous Doll #241 5/13/65
- Pit Boss in the Fanciful Frail #265 3/27/66
Jan Arvan
- Pierre in the One-eyed Witness #23 2/22/58
- Swiss Bank Clerk in a Place Called Midnight #219 11/12/64
Irvin Ashkenazy
- Tom Grimes in the Waylaid Wolf #111 2/4/61
Edward Ashley
- Charles Vale in the Melancholy Marksman #147 3/24/62
Ellen Atterbury
- Secretary in the Scandalous Sculptor #214 10/8/64
Malcolm Atterbury
- Sam Burris in the Angry Mourner #7 11/2/57
- Dennis Briggs in the Watery Witness #71 10/10/59
- Alfred Needham in the Barefaced Witness #115 3/18/61
- Maigret in the Tarnished Trademark #141 1/20/62
- Dell Harper in the Drifting Dropout #209 5/7/64
Barry Atwater (* as G. B. Atwater)
- Dr. Denair in the Demure Defendant #16 1/4/58
- Robert Benson in the Dangerous Dowager #65 5/9/59
- George Albert in the Waylaid Wolf #111 2/4/61
- Professor Hewes in the Prankish Professor #168 1/17/63
- Karl Dickinson in the Nervous Neighbor #199 2/13/64 *
- Dr. Stuart Logan in the Cheating Chancellor #245 10/3/65 *
Donna Atwood
- Phylis Merrill in the Renegade Refugee #136 12/9/61
Danielle Aubrey
- Alice in the Promoter's Pillbox #152 5/19/62
Jacques Aubuchon
- Felix Karr in the Spanish Cross #67 5/30/59
- George Gage in the Capricious Corpse #155 10/4/62
- Victor Bundy in the Garrulous Go-Between #203 3/12/64
- Roger Brody in the Betrayed Bride #216 10/22/64
Eleanor Audley
- Lois Gilbert in the Pint-Sized Client #42 10/4/58
- Headmistress Lorimer in the Nine Dolls #104 11/19/60
Charlotte Austin
- Norma Williams in the Gallant Grafter #84 2/6/60
Phyllis Avery
- Marion Shelby in the Half-Wakened Wife #26 3/15/58
- Mary Cromwell in the Brazen Bequest #135 12/2/61
Tol Avery
- Charles L. Welsh in the Greek Goddess #178 4/18/63
Ann Ayars
- Woman Reporter in the Paper Bullets #213 10/1/64