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Actors Lists
- Sara Haden
- Florence Harvey in the Romantic Rogue #56 2/14/59
- Nancy Hadley
- Edna Hammar in the Sleepwalker's Niece #2 9/28/57
- Reed Hadley
- Medical Examiner in the Tragic Trophy #220 11/19/64
- Kevin Hagen
- Sgt. Burke in the Sardonic Sergeant #43 10/11/58
- Jacob Leonard in the Gambling Lady #237 4/8/65
- Samuel Carleton in the Fugitive Fraulein #253 11/28/65
- Don Haggerty
- Police Chief in the Drifting Dropout #209 5/7/64
- Frank Hagney
- Watchman in the Howling Dog #62 4/11/59
- 2nd Man in the Violent Village #80 1/2/60
- 1st Workman in the Tarnished Trademark #141 1/20/62
- Paul Hahn
- Ballistic's Man in the Demure Defendant #16 1/4/58
- Sgt. Davis in the Cautious Coquette #18 1/18/58
- Alan Hale
- Lon Snyder in the Unwelcome Bride #137 12/16/61
- Nelson Barclift in the Bouncing Boomerang #192 12/12/63
- Betsy Hale
- Betty Chase in the Melancholy Marksman #147 3/24/62
- Little Girl in the Bigamous Spouse #188 11/14/63
- Jean Hale
- Reggie Lansfield in the Murderous Mermaid #234 3/18/65
- Carla Chaney in the Laughing Lady #242 9/12/65
- Richard Hale
- George Lutts in the Nervous Accomplice #3 10/5/57
- Addison Balfour in the Lucky Loser #41 9/27/58
- Robert Tepper in the Violent Village #80 1/2/60
- Abner Gordon in the Sleepy Slayer #215 10/15/64
- Jon Hall
- Max Randall in the Festive Felon #190 11/28/63
- Lt. Kia in the Feather Cloak #230 2/11/65
- Sherry Hall
- Court Clerk in the Poison Pen-Pal #143 2/10/62
- Bailiff in the Deadly Verdict #185 10/3/63
- Billy Halop
- Corbett in the Lonely Eloper #153 5/26/62
- Man in the Elusive Element #177 4/11/63
- Barman in the Antic Angel #207 4/16/64
- Brett Halsey
- Robert Finchley in the Cautious Coquette #18 1/18/58
- Chuck Hamilton
- Postal Inspector in the Posthumous Painter #132 11/11/61
- Kipp Hamilton
- Elaine Barton in the Cautious Coquette #18 1/18/58
- Murray Hamilton
- Johnny Hale in the Deadly Double #24 3/1/58
- Neil Hamilton
- Bertrand Allred in the Lazy Lover #35 5/31/58
- Frank Livesey in the Dubious Bridegroom #68 6/13/59
- Henry Noble in the Golden Fraud #76 11/21/59
- Ames in the Difficult Detour #116 3/25/61
- Fred McCormick in Constant Doyle #169 1/31/63
- Grove Dillingham in the Drifting Dropout #209 5/7/64
- Victor Billings in the Betrayed Bride #216 10/22/64
- Bill Hampton
- Cab Driver in the Bluffing Blast #167 1/10/63
- Eddie Hanley
- Photographer in the Frustrated Folk Singer #226 1/7/65
- James Hansen
- Attendant in the Tarnished Trademark #141 1/20/62
- Peter Hansen
- Howard Black in the Half-Wakened Wife #26 3/15/58
- Arthur Hanson
- Lt. Brewer in the Fugitive Nurse #22 2/15/58
- Coroner in the Startled Stallion #74 10/31/59
- Autopsy Surgeon in the Flighty Father #95 6/11/60
- Sgt. Ferris in the Blind Man's Bluff #114 3/11/61
- Eloise Hardt
- Marta Wiltern in the Barefaced Witness #115 3/18/61
- Patricia Hardy
- Claire Olger in the Haunted Husband #19 1/25/58
- Jo Ann Blanchard in the Startled Stallion #74 10/31/59
- Dean Harens
- Frank Fettridge in the Calendar Girl #63 4/18/59
- Tad Dameron in Paul Drake's Dilemma #75 11/14/59
- Morgan Riley in the Wandering Widow #101 10/22/60
- Daniel Buckley in the Fatal Fortune #243 9/19/65
- Tom Harkness
- Judge in the Resolute Reformer #109 1/14/61
- Judge in the Jealous Journalist #124 9/2/61
- Judge in the Travelling Treasure #131 11/4/61
- Judge in the Angry Astronaut #148 4/7/62
- First Judge in the Weary Watchdog #162 11/29/62
- Judge in the Frightened Fisherman #201 2/27/64
- Robert Harland
- Ken Judson in the Greek Goddess #178 4/18/63
- Todd Baylor in the Badgered Brother #193 12/19/63
- Bill Jaris in the Bullied Bowler #218 11/5/64
- John Harmon
- Lab Man in the Crimson Kiss #8 11/9/57
- Fingerprint Man in the Startled Stallion #74 10/31/59
- Frank Wilton in the Singing Skirt #87 3/12/60
- Lab Technician in the Left-Handed Liar #134 11/25/61
- Expert in the Melancholy Marksman #147 3/24/62
- Fingerprint Expert in the Libelous Locket #170 2/7/63
- Expert in the Devious Delinquent #191 12/5/63
- Fingerprint Expert in the Capering Camera #196 1/16/64
- Rand Harper
- Lt. Walker in the Sardonic Sergeant #43 10/11/58
- Berkeley Harris
- Patrolman in the Fickle Fortune #110 1/21/61
- Les Gilpin in the Bouncing Boomerang #192 12/12/63
- Holly Harris
- Actress in the Startled Stallion #74 10/31/59
- Doctor's Wife in the Lonely Eloper #153 5/26/62
- Matron No. 2 in the Deadly Verdict #185 10/3/63
- Woman Bystander in the Mischievous Doll #241 5/13/65
- Jack Harris (* as Jack W. Harris)
- Court Clerk in the Sleepwalker's Niece #2 9/28/57
- Court Clerk in the Nervous Accomplice #3 10/5/57
- Court Clerk in the Runaway Corpse #10 11/23/57
- Court Clerk in the Demure Defendant #16 1/4/58
- Court Clerk in the Fugitive Nurse #22 2/15/58 *
- Court Clerk in the One-eyed Witness #23 2/22/58 *
- Court Clerk in the Long-Legged Models #33 5/17/58
- Court Clerk in the Foot-Loose Doll #54 1/24/59
- Michael Harris
- Deputy Sheriff in the Red Riding Boots #106 12/10/60
- Sgt. Bruce in the Elusive Element #177 4/11/63
- Cameraman in the Arrogant Arsonist #202 3/5/64
- Blake Leonard in the Runaway Racer #251 11/14/65
- Robert H. Harris
- Edmund Lacey in the Lonely Heiress #20 2/1/58
- Aaron Hubble in the Purple Woman #48 11/22/58
- Gordon Russell in the Slandered Submarine #92 5/14/60
- Claude Demay in the Torrid Tapestry #118 4/22/61
- Jerry Janda in the Dodging Domino #159 10/25/62
- Harry Bronson in the Frustrated Folk Singer #226 1/7/65
- Marty Webb in the Runaway Racer #251 11/14/65
- Stacy Harris
- Frank Curran in the Married Moonlighter #46 11/8/58
- Frank Brooks in the Lost Last Act #60 3/21/59
- Ed Brigham in the Crying Comedian #128 10/14/61
- Steve Harris
- Tony Polk in the Bogus Buccaneers #256 1/9/66
- Armand Harrison
- Nat Rudick in the Latent Lover #222 12/3/64
- Ira Dewitt in the Misguided Model #268 4/24/66
- Jan Harrison
- Patient in the Foot-Loose Doll #54 1/24/59
- Mildred Harrison
- Chambermaid in the Fanciful Frail #265 3/27/66
- Philip Harron
- Second Gambler in the Missing Melody #126 9/30/61
- First Taxi Driver in the Mischievous Doll #241 5/13/65
- Robert Harrow
- Young Man in the Violent Vest #119 4/29/61
- Elizabeth Harrower
- Woman Artist in the Crying Cherub #89 4/9/60
- Woman Apt. Manager in the Waylaid Wolf #111 2/4/61
- Mrs. Mangan in the Lurid Letter #163 12/6/62
- Sadie Noymann in the Bullied Bowler #218 11/5/64
- Gary Hart
- Boy No. 2 in the Dodging Domino #159 10/25/62
- John Hart
- Dion in the Thermal Thief #227 1/14/65
- Jamison Selff in the Wrathful Wraith #250 11/7/65
- Kathryn Hart
- Maid in the Libelous Locket #170 2/7/63
- Dee Hartford
- Leslie Ross in the Accosted Accountant #195 1/9/64
- Lois Gray in the Missing Button #212 9/24/64
- Rhonda Coleridge in the Baffling Bug #254 12/12/65
- Don Harvey
- Sheriff in the Duplicate Daughter #121 5/20/61
- Jean Harvey
- Janitress in the Surplus Suitor #172 2/28/63
- Michael Harvey
- Ken Lowry in the Mystified Miner #144 2/24/62
- Edmund Hashim
- Prince Ben Ali Bhudeem in the Unwelcome Well #266 4/3/66
- Thomas Hasson
- Bellboy in the Nautical Knot #217 10/29/64
- Helen Hatch
- Secretary in the Drowning Duck #4 10/12/57
- Allison Hayes
- Sadie Bradford in the Singing Skirt #87 3/12/60
- Jane Weeks in the Captain's Coins #140 1/13/62
- Pearl Chute in the Bogus Books #154 9/27/62
- Stella Radom in the Deadly Debt #236 4/1/65
- Cho Sin in the Laughing Lady #242 9/12/65
- Anthony Hayes
- Warren Cotton in the Positive Negative #269 5/1/66
- Donna Hayes
- Girl in the Envious Editor #108 1/7/61
- Margaret Hayes (* as Maggie Hayes)
- Sybil Granger in the Nervous Accomplice #3 10/5/57 *
- Vivian Bell in the Ominous Outcast #93 5/21/60 *
- Joyce Gilbert in the Clumsy Clown #102 11/5/60 *
- Leslie Rankin in the Reluctant Model #187 10/31/63
- Peter Hayman
- Clerk (Bookstore) in the Wayward Wife #82 1/23/60
- Vinton Hayworth
- Marvin Claridge in the Credulous Quarry #97 9/24/60
- Wendell Harding in the Envious Editor #108 1/7/61
- Homer Corbin in the Glamorous Ghost #142 2/3/62
- Myron Healey
- Howard Roper in the Petulant Partner #64 4/25/59
- John Heath
- George Layton in the Skeleton's Closet #179 5/2/63
- Arch in the Silent Six #252 11/21/65
- David Hedison
- Damion White in the Dodging Domino #159 10/25/62
- Wayne Heffley
- Grif Roland in the Pathetic Patient #130 10/28/61
- Helene Heigh
- Mrs. Agnes Haskell in the Sardonic Sergeant #43 10/11/58
- Club Woman in the Crying Cherub #89 4/9/60
- Karl Held
- Bruce Nesbitt in the Angry Dead Man #113 2/25/61
- David Gideon in the Grumbling Grandfather #122 5/27/61
- David Gideon in the Missing Melody #126 9/30/61
- David Gideon in the Malicious Mariner #127 10/7/61
- David Gideon in the Meddling Medium #129 10/21/61
- David Gideon in the Posthumous Painter #132 11/11/61
- David Gideon in the Left-Handed Liar #134 11/25/61
- David Gideon in the Renegade Refugee #136 12/9/61
- David Gideon in the Roving River #138 12/30/61
- David Gideon in the Shapely Shadow #139 1/6/62
- Peter Hellman (* as Peter Hellmann)
- Max in a Place Called Midnight #219 11/12/64 *
- German Sergeant in the Fugitive Fraulein #253 11/28/65
- Anne Helm
- Glamis Barlow in the Duplicate Daughter #121 5/20/61
- Frances Helm
- Bernice Archer in the Lazy Lover #35 5/31/58
- Linda Kennedy in the Married Moonlighter #46 11/8/58
- Helene Osborne in the Nine Dolls #104 11/19/60
- Peter Helm
- Bob Hyatt in the Cheating Chancellor #245 10/3/65
- Percy Helton
- Pawnbroker in the Torrid Tapestry #118 4/22/61
- Asa Cooperman in the Pathetic Patient #130 10/28/61
- Hotel Desk Clerk in the Careless Kitten #235 3/25/65
- Ray Hemphill
- Phil Beecher in the Violent Village #80 1/2/60
- Henry Battle in the Shapely Shadow #139 1/6/62
- Officer Two in the Tsarina's Tiara #264 3/20/66
- Jim Henaghan
- Delivery Boy in the Blonde Bonanza #224 12/17/64
- Douglas Henderson
- Ralph Curtis in the Artful Dodger #78 12/12/59
- Felix Heidemann in the Clumsy Clown #102 11/5/60
- Peter Gregson in the Poison Pen-Pal #143 2/10/62
- Dwight Garrett in the Elusive Element #177 4/11/63
- Frank Jones in the Wrongful Writ #240 5/6/65
- Greg Stanley in the Crafty Kidnapper #270 5/15/66
- Len Hendry
- Officer in the Lazy Lover #35 5/31/58
- Policeman in the Lucky Loser #41 9/27/58
- Plainclothesman in the Treacherous Toupee #96 9/17/60
- Police Photographer in the Capering Camera #196 1/16/64
- Police Officer in the Blonde Bonanza #224 12/17/64
- Officer #4 in the Bogus Buccaneers #256 1/9/66
- Gloria Henry
- Helene Chaney in the Restless Redhead #1 9/21/57
- Thomas Browne Henry (* as Thomas B. Henry)
- Ralph Duncan in the Sleepwalker's Niece #2 9/28/57 *
- George Denby in the Dubious Bridegroom #68 6/13/59
- Hartley Basset in the Treacherous Toupee #96 9/17/60 *
- Pitt Herbert
- Autopsy Surgeon in the Romantic Rogue #56 2/14/59
- Coroner in the Howling Dog #62 4/11/59
- Autopsy Surgeon in the Deadly Toy #66 5/16/59
- Autopsy Surgeon in the Golden Fraud #76 11/21/59
- Doctor in the Bartered Bikini #77 12/5/59
- Dr. James Latham in the Lucky Legs #79 12/19/59
- Autopsy Surgeon in the Ill-Fated Faker #98 10/1/60
- Coroner's Physician in the Waylaid Wolf #111 2/4/61
- Pathologist in the Guilty Clients #123 6/10/61
- Autopsy Surgeon in the Malicious Mariner #127 10/7/61
- Autopsy Surgeon in the Injured Innocent #133 11/18/61
- Autopsy Surgeon in the Mystified Miner #144 2/24/62
- Dr. Desmond in the Skeleton's Closet #179 5/2/63
- Coroner's Physician in the Missing Button #212 9/24/64
- Coroner's Physician in the Gambling Lady #237 4/8/65
- Medical Examiner in the Midnight Howler #257 1/16/66
- Robert Hernandez
- Newsboy in the Lover's Gamble #231 2/18/65
- Irene Hervey
- Helen Bartlett in the Black-eyed Blonde #37 6/14/58
- Grace Davies in the Jealous Journalist #124 9/2/61
- Jill Garson in the Lawful Lazarus #174 3/14/63
- Richard Hervey
- Counterman in the Deadly Toy #66 5/16/59
- Alan Hewitt
- Fred Petrie in the Golden Fraud #76 11/21/59
- Bruce Sheridan in the Wintry Wife #112 2/18/61
- Dr. Marcus Tate in the Brazen Bequest #135 12/2/61
- Curt Ordway in the Fatal Fetish #232 3/4/65
- Hans Heyde
- Guard at Courtroom in the Fugitive Fraulein #253 11/28/65
- Darryl Hickman
- Steve Harris in the Sleepwalker's Niece #2 9/28/57
- Harry Hickox
- Phillip Kendall in the Sleepwalker's Niece #2 9/28/57
- Mariana Hill
- Theba in the Greek Goddess #178 4/18/63
- Phyllis Hill
- Mrs. Katherine Stewart in the Wednesday Woman #194 1/2/64
- Rachel Gordon in the Sleepy Slayer #215 10/15/64
- Alma Farley in the Golfer's Gambit #259 1/30/66
- Beverly Hills
- Sue in the Twice-Told Twist #262 2/27/66
- Connie Hines
- Lucy Stevens in the Singular Double #99 10/8/60
- Sandra in the Counterfeit Crank #150 4/28/62
- William Hines
- Waiter in the Capricious Corpse #155 10/4/62
- Ed Hinton
- Sheriff Mark Daley in the Cautious Coquette #18 1/18/58
- Peter Hobbs
- Gregory Pelham in the Careless Kidnapper #208 4/30/64
- James Hyatt in the Cheating Chancellor #245 10/3/65
- Joy Hodges
- Clara Thorne in the Lawful Lazarus #174 3/14/63
- Howard Hoffman
- Minister in the Startled Stallion #74 10/31/59
- Harry Holcombe
- Senator Deering in the Witless Witness #181 5/16/63
- Judge in the Drifting Dropout #209 5/7/64
- Mr. Big in the Gambling Lady #237 4/8/65
- Judge #1 in the Twice-Told Twist #262 2/27/66
- Judge in the Misguided Model #268 4/24/66
- Jonathan Hole (* as Jonathon Hole)
- Arthur Williams in the Half-Wakened Wife #26 3/15/58
- Everett Wormser in the Spanish Cross #67 5/30/59
- Stanley Roderick in the Treacherous Toupee #96 9/17/60 *
- Edward Link in the Polka Dot Pony #165 12/20/62
- Whitey in the Scandalous Sculptor #214 10/8/64
- Bert Holland
- Dr. Morton in the Empty Tin #25 3/8/58
- John Holland (* as Jack Holland)
- Carver Clement in the Crimson Kiss #8 11/9/57
- Ballistics Expert in the Lucky Loser #41 9/27/58 *
- Clinton Forbes in the Howling Dog #62 4/11/59
- Autopsy Surgeon in the Ominous Outcast #93 5/21/60 *
- Leonard Voss in the Torrid Tapestry #118 4/22/61
- Bruno Grant in the Crafty Kidnapper #270 5/15/66
- Harry Hollins
- 2nd Reporter in the Envious Editor #108 1/7/61
- Wendell Holmes
- Dr. Forbes in the Desperate Daughter #27 3/22/58
- Howard Evans in the Sardonic Sergeant #43 10/11/58
- District Attorney Williams in the Bashful Burro #88 3/26/60
- Charlene Holt
- Helen Cadmus in the Grinning Gorilla #239 4/29/65
- Jacqueline Holt
- Christine in the Hesitant Hostess #29 4/5/58
- Tenen Holtz
- Mr. Gilfain in the Bogus Books #154 9/27/62
- Otto Joseph in the Arrogant Arsonist #202 3/5/64
- Skip Homeier
- Dr. Edley in the Pathetic Patient #130 10/28/61
- Sgt. Dave Wolfe in the Silent Six #252 11/21/65
- James Hong
- Dean Chang in the Weary Watchdog #162 11/29/62
- Louis Kew in the Floating Stones #189 11/21/63
- Hal Hopper
- Veterinarian in the Startled Stallion #74 10/31/59
- Alfred Hopson
- Richard Ellis in the Baited Hook #14 12/21/57
- Clark in the Sleepy Slayer #215 10/15/64
- Martin Horsey
- Sandy Chester in the Avenging Angel #263 3/13/66
- Shirley Houser
- Waitress in the Purple Woman #48 11/22/58
- Bob Howard
- Bill Evans in the Deadly Toy #66 5/16/59
- Breena Howard
- Nurse in the Fatal Fetish #232 3/4/65
- Jennifer Howard
- Lorraine Jennings in the Deadly Toy #66 5/16/59
- Judith in Paul Drake's Dilemma #75 11/14/59
- Milly Nash in the Envious Editor #108 1/7/61
- Winifred Dunbrack in the Renegade Refugee #136 12/9/61
- Madelon Haines Shelby in the Fickle Filly #164 12/13/62
- John Howard
- Hugh Jamison in the Crippled Cougar #145 3/3/62
- Dr. Guy Omstead in the Capricious Corpse #155 10/4/62
- Justin Grover in the Festive Felon #190 11/28/63
- Harley Leonard in the Ruinous Road #225 12/31/64
- Robert Howard
- Young Man in the Libelous Locket #170 2/7/63
- Vance Howard
- Court Clerk in the Sardonic Sergeant #43 10/11/58
- Clark Howat
- Policeman in the Restless Redhead #1 9/21/57
- Policeman in the Sleepwalker's Niece #2 9/28/57
- Sergeant Grant in the Deadly Double #24 3/1/58
- Lt. Col. Fremont in the Misguided Missile #120 5/6/61
- Tower Man in the Fifty Millionth Frenchman #200 2/20/64
- Team Doctor in the 12th Wildcat #249 10/31/65
- Jean Howell
- Vinnie Dean in the Nervous Accomplice #3 10/5/57
- Amelia Phillips in the Wintry Wife #112 2/18/61
- Rudolfo Hoyos
- Rizal in the Tsarina's Tiara #264 3/20/66
- John Hoyt
- Joseph Harrison in the Prodigal Parent #36 6/7/58
- Philip Reynolds in the Curious Bride #44 10/18/58
- William Harper Caine in the Resolute Reformer #109 1/14/61
- Darwin Norland in the Libelous Locket #170 2/7/63
- Thomas Webber in the Wednesday Woman #194 1/2/64
- Charles Hradilac (* also listed as Charles H. Radilac)
- Franz Schreck in the Two-Faced Turn-a-Bout #171 2/14/63 *
- 1st Associate Magistrate in the Fugitive Fraulein #253 11/28/65
- Nancy Hsueh
- Geisha in the Baffling Bug #254 12/12/65
- John Hubbard
- Michael Greeley in the Haunted Husband #19 1/25/58
- Joseph Tayback in the Counterfeit Crank #150 4/28/62
- Kathy Huber
- Nurse in the Poison Pen-Pal #143 2/10/62
- John Hudson
- Tom Wyatt in the Glittering Goldfish #53 1/17/59
- Kathleen Hughes
- Lita Krail in the Double-Entry Mind #157 11/1/62
- Robin Hughes
- Addison Doyle in the Green-eyed Sister #21 2/8/58
- Rodney Beaton in the Buried Clock #45 11/1/58
- Sally Hughes
- Dr. Faulkner in the Deadly Verdict #185 10/3/63
- Tony Hughes
- Jack Parrish in the Resolute Reformer #109 1/14/61
- William Hughes
- 2nd Policeman in Paul Drake's Dilemma #75 11/14/59
- Policeman in the Greek Goddess #178 4/18/63
- Arthur Hunnicutt
- Amos Keller in the Golden Oranges #173 3/7/63
- Sandy Bowen in the Drowsy Mosquito #184 10/17/63
- Allan Hunt
- Jimmie Moore in the Potted Planter #180 5/9/63
- Marla's Boyfriend in the Bullied Bowler #218 11/5/64
- Arline Hunter
- Receptionist in the Fraudulent Foto #55 2/7/59
- Henry Hunter
- Dr. Rubin in the Silent Partner #6 10/26/57
- Banker in the Gallant Grafter #84 2/6/60
- Avery Bellison in the Grumbling Grandfather #122 5/27/61
- Mr. Baxter in the Left-Handed Liar #134 11/25/61
- Attorney in the Witless Witness #181 5/16/63
- Doctor in the Wrathful Wraith #250 11/7/65
- Reverend Alford in the Fanciful Frail #265 3/27/66
- Terry Huntingdon
- Kitty Wynne in the Bartered Bikini #77 12/5/59
- Joan Huntington
- Kitty Delaney in the Deadly Debt #236 4/1/65
- Althea Milgrave in the Fanciful Frail #265 3/27/66
- Lisabeth Hush
- Marjorie Cluny in the Lucky Legs #79 12/19/59
- Roberta Harper in the Fickle Filly #164 12/13/62
- Lorraine Lawton in the Ice-Cold Hands #197 1/23/64
- Patricia Huston
- Doris Petrie in the Golden Fraud #76 11/21/59
- Mona Henderson in the Larcenous Lady #107 12/17/60
- Claire Adams in the Ancient Romeo #151 5/5/62
- Lydia Lawrence in the Tragic Trophy #220 11/19/64
- Will Hutchins
- Donald Hobart in the Scarlet Scandal #261 2/20/66
- Josephine Hutchinson
- Leona Walsh in the Screaming Woman #30 4/26/58
- Miriam Baker in the Spanish Cross #67 5/30/59
- Miss Sarah in the Barefaced Witness #115 3/18/61
- Amelia Corning in the Mystified Miner #144 2/24/62
- Brian Hutton
- Rod Gleason in the Sulky Girl #5 10/19/57
- Parking Attendant in the Moth-Eaten Mink #13 12/14/57
- Gunilla Hutton
- Second Girl in the Feather Cloak #230 2/11/65
- Kendrick Huxham
- Kelvin MacRae in the Ancient Romeo #151 5/5/62